Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kanye West is an idiot

Kanye West is an idiot.

Taylor Swift, who I have never heard sing, seems like a real class act.

By what I hear, she actually writes her own songs, plays guitar, and can actually sing. Hear that Britney?

President Carter is in trouble for comments he made in which he blames much of the uproar over Healthcare and the Economy on underlying racial hatred in this Country. Many white people can just not tolerate having a black President and are using any and every excuse they can to bash the Government.

I think he is right. I know because I live in an area where many cringe at being led by a Black President. I can honestly say I have NEVER seen an Obama bumper sticker or sign anywhere in town. Pretty sad.

It’s hard to raise your kids to be open minded and fair to all when they go to school with the kids of all the narrow-minded and bigoted parents in the area.

An 11yr old girl, with no other health problems, died of the Swine Flue this past week in the Dallas area. Now, parents are really flipping out. The Swine Flu vaccine is not supposed to arrive until October and I fear it is going to be utter chaos when it does arrive.

We tried to tell our 12yr old the signs and symptoms to look out for concerning swine flu….but that is hard to do with the world’s youngest hypochondriac. Now, every little ache or pain has him on death’s doorstep….or so he thinks.

The new “Jay Leno Show” seems to be “The Tonight Show” all over again, minus the desk and the time slot. It’s alright but I seriously wonder how it will thrive 5 nights a week against the other Networks series. I think that in 2-3 months, Jay will be trailing in the ratings pretty badly.

We had about 6 inches of rain here in the last week. The lake only looks like it came up a foot or so. That still leaves it about 12 feet below normal.

The autograph blog is nearing the 500,000th visitor milestone and it’s 1-Yr Anniversary.

I recently started watching reruns of “Bones”. Pretty good show.

Did I mention that Kanye West is an Idiot?

My oldest son, who has been unemployed for the better part of a year, finally got a job. He will be working in a Lowe’s Distribution Center and will be working 4, ten-hour overnight shifts a week.

My Sis-in-Law, who just bought a house up the street this summer, has been having multiple problems with her A/C unit ever since she bought the place. Around here, having A/C is more important than having food, and is about 1,000X more expensive. I got a feeling the previous owner knew about all these A/C issues but did not say anything. Pretty sad.

Congressman Joe Wilson (”You Lie!”) is a racist Idiot.

Remember a few weeks ago when one of our High School girls was killed while jogging downtown with a teammate during Cross Country practice? The girl that survived was just crowned Homecoming Queen. Her father, and the father of the girl that was killed, escorted her onto the football field.

My dear wife, now completely done with her Masters Degree……is already getting the itch. Her after-work time is not complete unless she is buried in studying and reading something…… My Prediction…..she will going for her Doctorate within a few years…..

I will be a Househusband to a Doctor. Someone shoot me.

I will be driving my Mom to the DFW Airport today so she can fly to Oregon for a visit. Even though both parents have been to the Airport 5,000 times and even though my Mom even volunteers there one day a week…….neither parent can remember how to get there and how to get in and out of the airport.

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