Pulling the Trigger: Obama’s Slow Road to Socialized Medicine
by FrontPageMgEd
The president’s health care speech last night consisted of discredited canards bookended by emotional manipulation. Between his distortions, token gestures for opponents, and lengthy bouts of tongue-lashing, Barack Obama signaled he will continue pushing forward toward socialized medicine. However, it seems likely he will move incrementally through a final bill that will nationalize health care a year after the next presidential election.
“You Lie!” Let Me Count the Ways
The bulk of his speech consisted of recycled falsehoods long since dismissed. To note the highlights, one can begin with the moment that caught everyone’s attention: Obama’s denial that “our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants,” which provoked Rep. Joe Wilson’s response, “You lie!” (This Joe should not be confused with Ambassador Joe Wilson, an accomplished liar in his own right.)
Obama did lie. The Congressional Research Service found, “Under H.R. 3200, a ‘Health Insurance Exchange’ would begin operation in 2013 and would offer private plans alongside a public option…H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on non-citizens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.” The Democrats’ plan contains no requirement that patients verify citizenship, just as the National Council of La Raza requested this summer. (Since Obama has yet to deliver on amnesty, he has to offer something.)
via NewsReal Blog.
[Via http://sroblog.com]
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