It’s now in the papers that because of the “unexpected” thumping that President Obama and the Democrats got in August over the Health Care bill that “sources say” the President will not push for the “Public Option” (formerly National Health Care until that became a politically unpopular phrase so they changed it, in pure Orwellian fashion).
First off, let me state, I’m one of those people who believe the less government in any of our lives the better. Period.
Why was it “unexpected”?
An interesting choice of words and an interesting show of the mind set. Why would people be unhappy with reforming Health Care?
We just wanna help the poor, the uninsured…:)
Who could be against that?
Well, when you try to read that 1000+ monster that is HR 3200, you know why. I have tried. It’s duller than a bowling ball.
And the simple fact is that there isn’t actually a real “plan” out there, just all these various bills, from BOTH Parties (not that the “Mainstream” Media will tell you that) doesn’t help. And the Democrats can’t articulate their vision (because if they did no would buy it so let’s be vague and sneaky–didn’t work– so we have to come up with a new plan to be vague and sneaky).
So there is no coherent plan. That way, we can speak in generalities, and euphemisms, like “Hope and Change”.
But it was crafted by the Democrats to be “competition” for private health care.
So they are competing for the uninsured? the poor who can’t afford it? (and the illegal aliens, but we don’t want to talk about them…) because if you have a plan you like, you can keep it – so the Democrats say (but HR3200 clearly disagrees with that but you aren’t suppose to notice that and if you do you’re “Un-American” “Racist” “stupid” and a “mob” whipped by paid organizers!!).
So, a program that is run by the government (but it’s not “government run” health care according to Obama earlier this year) that doesn’t actually have to show any profit because it can just either print more money or raise taxes (or cut services!) if it spirals out of control on spending (and when does that ever happen! ) is going to “fairly” compete with private enterprise?
Think about that one for a moment.
If Government has no money until it takes it from you. Then, logically, it has a completely unfair advantage.
Which is the point. But you’re not suppose to notice that.
It’s the Unfair “fair” competition. Orwell would be proud.
Be careful of words. They have power. Both good and bad.
Then there’s always “sources say”, it such a cowardly way of leaking something you want out there but you want neither credit or blame if they mislead you in the end.
And then there’s the “public option”, aka National Health Care. Which they tried to call “Co-Ops” and now they are saying that the President will not recommend it any longer.
But he will, just not by that name. Time for a new Orwellian code word.
And since President’s don’t write legislation (unless you’re George W. Bush that is-then he wrote everything and forced Congress to pass it- they were the victims!), he can recommend all he wants, but Congress writes it.
More word games.
Be careful of the words, after all, considering Obama has wanted this as far back as his Senatorial Campaign to just give up is unlikely. What is more likely is more strategic Orwellian word game.
Not to mention, putting the blame on Congress (after he let them craft it and it blow up in his face) for the whole debacle and he strides in on his horse and saves the day for the people by appearing to be Presidential.
From the Politico:
On health care, Obama’s willingness to forgo the public option is sure to anger his party’s liberal base. But some administration officials welcome a showdown with liberal lawmakers if they argue they would rather have no health care law than an incremental one. The confrontation would allow Obama to show he is willing to stare down his own party to get things done.
“We have been saying all along that the most important part of this debate is not the public option, but rather ensuring choice and competition,” an aide said. “There are lots of different ways to get there.”
So you have to see through the smoke to the mirrors.
So Obama is going to slay the evil dragon that is Congress and save the People from their horrible bill (the one he let Congress craft in a “bi-Partisan” fashion so that they could plop it on his desk and he could sign it and be a hero of the people). Ta da!
Notice the turn of phrase here about Obama wanting to confront Congress on “no health care law than an incremental one” (and several Democrats, Like Nancy Pelosi have said that if their was no “public Option” there would be no bill worth doing) is the same argument that the Democrats have been trying for the last month on the Republicans saying they don’t want any change at all because they are opposed to the Democrats “Public Option”.
Curiouser, and Curiouser.
Yet, a scaled down, most like highly suspect cousin of the “public option” will sneak through just because the Democrats feel they must do it anyways. And that way, they get their foot in the door and Obama looks like a hero.
Congress can afford to be the goat in this game of Judas.
Obama can’t, not after losing 1/3 of his popularity in the polls over this mess.
And he still has Wall Street to bash in, Cap and Trade, and Amnesty.
He needs to be popular again, so Congress has to suffer the slings and arrows, so much the better for him if he’s seen chucking a few of them himself.
A real Hero of The Pipples! (”History of the World Part 1″ reference)
And the 180 degree turn will be artfully crafted and The Ministry of Truth will be out in force to give their guy a make-over.
And they won’t even notice.
And that is the art of Newspeak:
The underlying theory of Newspeak is that if something can’t be said, then it can’t be thought.
Illegal Aliens, becomes Undocumented Immigrant, becomes Immigrant without Documentation,becomes Immigrant.
National Health Care becomes Public Option, becomes Co-Op,becomes Health Care Reform, becomes whatever they come up with next.
Global Cooling (1975), becomes Global Warming, because Global Climate Change, becomes Climate Change.
Gee, the Climate changes? I hadn’t noticed?
And that’s man’s fault!
Truly horrific….:)
Then there’s my other favourite in the manipulation of language: Crimestop
“The faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. In short….protective stupidity.”
Does this sound like political correctness and the Mainstream Media to you?
Or is it just me, the kid who used to read the fine print on the TV ads just to see what they actually meant?
Read them sometime, they can be quite hilarious.
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