Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama's Cultural Revolution

As has been scarcely covered in the general media, President Obama (ugh) is on a mission, much like that of Mao, to speak to the youth in order to recruit them to carry on the work of maobamaism — the hydrid variation of communism, socialism, and fascism. Yes, this is Obama’s Cultural Revolution.

For historical purposes, let us revisit the past. During the latter 50’s through the 60’s the youth of China were targeted by Mao and the Gang of Four to carry out a mission of smashing the old traditions to bring China into a word anew. Rebellion against text books, things green (flowers, trees, grass, etc.), you name it simply because they said so. They were forced to give up their freedom and drafted to militaristic service to lead this revolution using political propaganda to instill fear in the hearts of many Chinese, including their own parents. Also, it was the formation of the strict and horrific practice of population control methods and forced abortions for the Chinese One Child policy.

Flash forward forty years and what do we encounter, MaObama doing the same thing with his Gang of Four – Reid, Pelosi, Axelrod, and Emmanuel. Chairman MaObama is scheduled to address school children while they are at school tomorrow. There are several components that I find quite interesting:

  • The “address” is occuring at school. Chairman MaObama is talking with the school children without the presence of their parents but in the presence of government workers — public school teachers. Do you think they will be keenly watching which children are paying attention.
  • Why wouldn’t MaObama want parents there to discuss with their children what he is calling them on to do? Because he does not want parents to have any say in what their children are hearing, doing, or thinking. This is a direct assault on rights of parents to educate their children. MaObama wants government thinking to be instilled in the hearts and minds of the youth.
  • There are accompanying lesson plans to accentuate the lies that MaObama is spewing. So, the government henchman – public school teachers – are not trusted with disseminating the message on their own or developing a sensible lesson plan that coordinates with the speech. It must be spoonfed. Here are the lesson plans for Pre K-6 and 7-12.
  • In a time when public shools are failing to educate children, test scores in public schools in the toilet, and creativity and ingenuity at an all-time low, MaObama is demanding that they dedicate their school day (when time is already short) to him. That, my dear reader, is narcissism.
  • However, all is not lost and the MaObama Cultural Revolution is meeting some resistance. Parents are pulling their children out of school, pressuring school administration to not participate, and so on. There is a revolution. It is a counter-revolution that is carrying the banner of freedom. The patriots are fighting back and the war for the American soul is on.


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