More handouts in store for big banks?
A leading free-market economist says because of the bank bailouts authorized by the Bush and Obama administrations, any big bank that runs into trouble is both so large that it has to be dealt with and has the expectation that it will be bailed out by the federal government. VOTE IN A RELATED POLL
London newspaper claims Lockerbie bomber not so ill
A conservative British scholar says he believes Scottish authorities might have been conned into believing that the recently released Lockerbie bomber was more ill than he actually was.
Teen Gitmo detainee sues U.S. for mistreatment
A senior Army strategist and Pentagon advisor says he is not surprised that a terrorist suspect recently released from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba would try to sue the United States over his treatment there.
Healthcare reform bill a ‘feeder system’ for abortion
A Catholic pro-life leader calls H.R. 3200 the “Planned Parenthood economic stimulus package.”
Feature: Forgotten – Christians in Palestine
A combination of threats and intimidation from Muslim extremists and the fallout from the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict are driving many Palestinian Christians from their ancestral homes.
Federal Government Will Borrow 40 Percent of the Money It Spends Next Year, Says White House Report
( – According to the Obama administration’s mid-session budget update, the federal government will have to borrow nearly 40 percent of its total expenditures in 2010, a level not seen since World War II. The 2010 figures are estimates, based on current policy proposals which have not all been enacted yet. However, all new spending proposals, including spending from initiatives such as health care reform and a proposed cap-and-trade program, would be added to the 2010 deficit.
Weapons Seizure Turns Spotlight Onto Two Rogue States
( – The Australian government is investigating the seizure of weapons, including rocket-propelled grenades, being shipped from North Korea to Iran that were found on an Australian cargo vessel in the Persian Gulf. Iranian officials are denying the incident, calling the reports a “Zionist” plot aimed at increasing international pressure over its nuclear activities.
Japan’s Election Landslide Expected to Produce Changes in Foreign Policy
( – For the first time since World War II, Japanese voters on Sunday handed a parliamentary majority to a party other than the 54-year-old Liberal Democratic Party, paving the way for the world’s second biggest economy to be governed by a center-left coalition including socialists opposed to the military alliance with the U.S.
Salvationists to Mark September with Prayers for Peace, Trafficking Victims
American Jewish Group Blasts WCC Head for Israel Comment
Families Mourn Deaths of Campus Crusade for Christ Students
Nation Bids Final Farewell to Edward Kennedy
High Court Asked to Review Religious Graduation Speech Case
Ohio mosque a ‘danger’ to teen convert
An Orlando, Florida, attorney has filed court documents to support his contention that a Columbus, Ohio-area mosque has ties to terrorist groups and would present a clear and present danger to a 17-year-old Christian convert from Islam who fled to Florida in fear of her life.
Perspective: Jesus the socialist?
We shouldn’t let our politics inform our faith — otherwise we get arguments like “Jesus would vote for government-run healthcare.” Sorry, Barack.
Baucus under fire for bipartisan healthcare efforts
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) says his longtime friend and colleague Max Baucus (D-Montana) is feeling the heat from the White House and fellow Democrats who want to go it alone on healthcare reform instead of reaching a bipartisan compromise.
Cyber security plan gives Obama control of Internet
The Internet Security Alliance disagrees with Senator Jay Rockefeller’s approach to cyber security.
NEA reveals true stance on homosexual marriage
Does the NEA support same-sex marriage?
Obama’s Budget Includes $622 Billion in Health Care Savings But Doesn’t Count Cost of Health Care Reform
( – President Barack Obama’s mid-year budget update includes $622 billion in purported health care “savings” that the administration claims will partly offset the cost of its government-oriented health reform plans. However, the budget update omits any estimate of how much those reforms might cost.
Letter Reveals Kennedy’s Opposition to Abortion, Belief in Life ‘From the Very Moment of Conception’
( – A letter written in 1971 by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) reveals that he then opposed abortion and supported giving rights to the unborn. The letter, written two years before the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion, was given to the Catholic League by Thomas E. Dennelly, a New York resident and a member of the Catholic League, who asked the senator about his stand on abortion.
U.S. Funds U.N. Group That Supports Teaching 5-to-8-Year Olds about Masturbation
( - A United Nations group that supports teaching 5- to 8-year-olds about masturbation is partly funded by the United States, which will contribute $78.1 million in the 2010 fiscal year to the group, according to the State Department. As previously reported, the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released its International Guidelines for Sexual Education in June.
Home Schoolers Top National Average on ACT
( – Compared with other students, homeschoolers scored higher than the national average on this year’s ACT, a national standardized test used to gauge educational development and college readiness. Ian Slatter, director of media relations for the Home School Legal Defense Association, said the one-on-one attention home-schooled students receive is conducive to learning.
While on Vacation, Obama’s Approval Rating Dropped to All-Time Low, Says Gallup Poll
( – President Barack Obama’s job approval rating fell to an all-time low of 50 percent during the time he was on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, says the Gallup Poll. As he returned to Washington, D.C. on Sunday, however, his approval ticked up one point to 51 percent.
Little Western Support As Libya Marks 40 Years of Gaddafi
( – Muammar Gaddafi on Tuesday marks the 40th anniversary of the coup that brought him to power, but with the row still brewing over the release of the man convicted in the Lockerbie bombing, the event will not be the showpiece of Libya’s return to international standing that he had hoped.
Childhood Obesity Report Calls For Government Regulations to Limit Access to ‘Unhealthy’ Restaurant Chains
( – A newly released government report details strategies for local governments to combat what it calls an epidemic of childhood obesity, including enacting zoning and land-use regulations that would “restrict fast food establishments near school grounds and public playgrounds.”
‘Global Warming for Dummies’ or Global Warming Propaganda?
( – “Global Warming for Dummies,” a guide that claims to “sort out fact from fiction” about so-called climate change, in reality contains numerous biased and misleading statements — in some cases advocating the censorship of opinions which differ from those of the authors.
White House Seeks to Capture and Archive Citizens’ Comments on Its Facebook, YouTube, MySpace Sites
( – Anyone who posts comments on the White House’s Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter pages will have their statements captured and permanently archived by the federal government, according to a White House plan. The White House says that in seeking to collect and preserve comments made by common citizens on social networking sites it is acting “out of an abundance of caution” to comply with the law.
White House Sees Robust Growth over Next Decade But Critics Say Policies Will Hurt Growth
( – The Obama administration’s updated budget forecasts predict a robust rate of economic growth over the next decade, claiming that the nation’s Gross Domestic Product will grow at an average rate of 2.8 percent between 2009 and 2019. However, data from the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis suggest that this may not turn out to be the case. While the economy typically rebounds after a recession, it rarely maintains that higher level of growth.
U.S. Death Toll at Record Low in Iraq, at Record High in Afghanistan
( – Fewer American troops died in Iraq during August than in any previous month since the U.S. invaded in March 2003 to topple Saddam Hussein. That is in stark contrast to the situation in Afghanistan, which saw its deadliest month. Asked Monday about the climbing death toll in Afghanistan, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs blamed the Bush administration.
Parade of Despots Heading For New York
( – The usual September parade of world leaders descending on New York City for the opening of the annual United Nations General Assembly will be characterized this year by the presence of some of the world’s most controversial leaders.
Normalizing transgenderism in schools
A New England-based pro-family organization is concerned about a situation in Vermont involving bathroom arrangements at schools.
Pro-union bill contrary to pro-family movement
Gary Bauer says the proposal known as the Employee Free Choice Act — if enacted into law — would pose a substantial threat to the interests of the pro-family movement.
Perspective: No junior lobbyist left behind
America’s parents have every right to worry about their children being used by Washington as Political Guinea Pigs for Change.
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream honors same-sex ‘marriage’
An ice cream company is celebrating homosexual “marriage” in Vermont.
Cash for Clunkers ‘inefficient,’ says dealer
An owner of ten car dealerships in South Dakota and Iowa says the government’s inefficient administration of the “Cash for Clunkers” program should make people think twice about backing a new government-run healthcare plan.
Religious Communities Unite for Interfaith Service Week
Vt. Gay Couples Marry, Eat ‘Hubby Hubby’ Ice Cream
Detroit-Area Church Campaigns with ‘Satan’ Signs
Runaway Teen’s Attorney Claims Parents’ Mosque Has Terrorist Ties
Egypt Muslim Council: Building of Churches is ‘Sin’ Against God
Obama’s school speech – social indoctrination?
Is the president using his bully pulpit to push social change in America’s schools?
‘Big Labor’ in the pulpit
Representatives of “Big Labor” will be filling church pulpits this weekend to preach government-run healthcare and other liberal political priorities.
Runaway convert ’safest in Florida’
A terrorism expert says the recent information provided by the attorney for 17-year-old Christian convert Rifqa Bary clearly justifies her fears that she will be killed if she is returned to her Islamic family in Ohio.
Funeral coverage unearths media’s liberal tilt
Media Research Center says the mainstream media’s recent coverage of Senator Ted Kennedy’s funeral was a celebration of big-government activism and a promotion of the liberal agenda.
Agro-terrorism threat a real one
An author and terrorism expert says as the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks approaches, Americans need to be aware of the threat of agro-terrorism and the impact it could have on the nation’s food supply.
Health Care Bill Gives Obama Power to Appoint Government ‘Commissioner’ With Sweeping Power to Dictate Health Coverage
( – The health care bill under consideration in the House of Representatives would give President Obama the authority to name a new federal “Health Choices Commissioner” who would have sweeping power to govern the health insurance plans offered in a so-called “exchange” where millions of Americans would get their health insurance if the bill is enacted. These powers would include deciding which treatments are covered, which companies can participate, which states can run their own exchange, and enrolling individuals into the public exchange.
‘Third-Rate’ Charter Schools Should Be Closed, Education Secretary Says
( – Education Secretary Arne Duncan told that he is “not a fan” of charter schools, only “good charter schools,” adding that the non-performing ones should be closed.
Revision: Education Dept. Changes Suggested Classroom Activities for Students Who Watch Obama’s Speech
( - Amid complaints from some parents and political conservatives, the Obama White House has dropped a recommendation that students write a paper on “what they can do to help the president” following President Obama’s Sept. 8 speech to the nation’s school children.
Hamas Complains, So U.N. School Will Not Teach Gaza Students About Holocaust
( - The United Nations’ refugee agency for Palestinians does not intend to include the Holocaust in the curriculum at schools it runs in the Gaza Strip, a U.N. spokesman said following criticism by Hamas about the purported plan. But some Jewish organizations have taken issue with the U.N. for apparently backtracking in the face of the criticism from the terrorist group.
Obama Officials Laud Health Care Fraud Settlement for Probe Launched During the Bush Administration
( – The Obama administration on Wednesday announced the conclusion of an investigation started after whistleblowers claimed in 2003 that the pharmaceutical company Pfizer was marketing some of its products for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability concerning “fraudulent marketing” of certain pharmaceutical products. Sebelius said the settlement will shore up failing government-run health care programs.
Another Iranian Nuclear Deadline Looms in September, As U.S. ‘Urges’ Iran to Respond
( – Seven years after Iran’s clandestine nuclear program was first exposed, a meeting of leading powers on Wednesday gave Tehran three weeks to return to talks on the matter – the latest in a series of deadlines that have so far failed to resolve the standoff. Experts note that Iran is making good use of the time afforded by the drawn-out negotiations.
Timeline of Iran Nuclear Standoff
( –The dispute over Iran’s nuclear program has been dragging on for seven years, and despite three rounds of sanctions, multiple U.N. reports, and several proposals put to Iran by the international community, it shows little sign of resolution.
Reformed Body Says Lutheran Gay Vote Does Not Impair Partnership
South Africans Launch Conservative Anglican Fellowship
Assemblies of God Joins Hispanic Evangelical Group
Evangelical Leaders Welcome NIV Revision Plans with Caution, Hope
15,000 Audio Bibles Shipped to Military Chaplains
Will Rangel wrangle out of this one?
An ethics watchdog group is calling for a criminal investigation of New York Congressman Charlie Rangel, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. VOTE IN A RELATED POLL
Rifqa can remain
Rifqa Bary, a 17-year-old girl who says she ran away from her Muslim family in Ohio because she feared she could be killed for converting to Christianity, can remain in Florida for now. She’s ’safest in Florida,’ says terrorism expert
Perspective: Why parents don’t trust Obama
You can take Obama from the radicals in Chicago — but you can’t take the Chicago radicalism out of Obama.
No Harry Reid – change Nevadans can believe in
A Nevada-based political action committee is raising money to help to defeat Democratic Senator Harry Reid in his re-election bid next year.
Budget woes force layoffs at Focus
Focus on the Family says it’s laying off 8 percent of its work force.
Obama Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People’s Organs Without Explicit Consent
( – Cass Sunstein, President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, has advocated a policy under which the government would “presume” someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Under such a policy, hospitals would harvest organs from people who never gave permission for this to be done.
Majority of Americans Would Qualify for Federal ‘Affordability Credits’ Under House Health-Care Reform Bill
( – More than 60 percent of American households would likely qualify for government “affordability credits” under H.R. 3200 – the health-care reform bill currently in the House of Representatives, according to numbers obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau. A provision in the health-care package would allow the government to offer “affordability credits” to citizens with incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level.
Virginia Democrat Says He Might Support Public Option ‘Down the Road’
Fredericksburg, Va. ( – Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told a town hall meeting on Thursday that he might consider a government run health care option “down the road.” He also said he supports tort reform and would not support a bill that adds to the $9 federal deficit.
Boston’s Roman Catholic Cardinal Says He Confronted Obama about Abortion in Health Care Plan at Ted Kennedy’s Funeral
( – Cardinal Sean O’Malley, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, wrote on Thursday that he confronted President Barack Obama on the question of abortion in the health care reform plan now before Congress when he spoke to Obama at Sen. Ted Kennedy’s funeral in a Boston church. O’Malley made the revelation in a blog posting on his archdiocesan Web site, responding to Catholics who were distressed that he had taken part in a very public funeral Mass celebrating the life of Sen. Kennedy.
Thousands of Christians to Gather at Courthouses on 9/11 to Pray for New ‘Great Awakening’
( - American Christians are in need of a wake-up call, some Christian leaders say. The Awakening America Alliance is sponsoring “Cry Out America” on Friday, Sept. 11 — an event calling for thousands of Christians to “gather at noon at county courthouses across the nation in repentance, to pray for the lost, and to cry out for God to send another ‘Great Awakening.’”
Founding Fathers, Faith, and Freedom Focus of U.S. Citizenship Ceremony for Children
( – Fifty-eight children from 26 countries swore an oath to become citizens of the United States in a ceremony Thursday at Mt. Vernon, George Washington’s Virginia home. The children, ages 1 to 17, were adopted by U.S. citizens or their parents are naturalized citizens. The ceremony was marked by references to the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, the freedoms guaranteed citizens by the Constitution, and acknowledgment of God’s role in the nation’s traditions.
Still Angry Over Treatment of His Son, Gaddafi Wants Switzerland Abolished
( – Ahead of his first visit ever to the United Nations, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is calling for the dismemberment of Switzerland. Although Muammar Gaddafi’s proposal to do away with the tiny nation will get no traction at the United Nations General Assembly, it adds to a pattern of unconventional behavior by the former pariah even as he seeks to enhance his global stature.
Terror Suspect Endorsed As Iran’s Defense Minister; Pledges ‘Clenched Fist’
( – Responding to international criticism over the nomination of a wanted terror suspect as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s next defense minister, Iranian lawmakers on Thursday gave Ahmad Vahidi the strongest endorsement out of the 21 cabinet nominees under consideration. Vahidi said afterwards the outcome was a “decisive slap” in Israel’s face.
Bishop: Pray for Those Without Work This Labor Day
Reformed Church Gathers to Analyze Economic Crisis
Conservative Leader: Gov’t Takeover Not Solution to Health Care Woes
Journalists Recount N. Korea Arrest; Expose Plight of Defectors
Police Report ‘Favorable’ to Muslim Parents of Convert, Says Attorney
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