By Conspiracy Theorist Nicola Novakowsky
I was looking for the latest data concerning G20 conspiracy theories when I found this video!
I was aghast by what I was hearing! Bill Clinton’s former advisor Dick Morris was telling Sean Hannity that the April 2nd G20 London Summit would be the time when the blueprint would be laid for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to control the Fed and ultimately the world!
Does this mean that Dick Morris, Sean Hannity, and even the Fox News channel may not be under the control of Reptilians?
I wouldn’t come to this conclusion so quickly.
After all, Morris and Hannity both appeared completely wrong about how the world would be ruled. They don’t admit to the idea that Reptilians are behind it all. They also plainly do not believe that 9/11 was an inside job.
Hmmm….my conspiracy oriented mind just doesn’t know what to make of them. For once, I can’t seem to just read a conspiracy into something! Dammit!
Oh man, I think I know now!
There’s two possibilities, folks.
1) Grey aliens really do exist. And Hannity and Morris are Greys trying to expose the Reptilians, so that Morris and Hannity can later take control of things once the Reptilians are defeated.
2) Morris and Hannity are just the same ol’ Reptilians spreading lies. They’re trying to create an alternative scenario of how the world could be controlled. They’re saying the world could be controlled by the IMF, instead of the World Trade Organization (WTO). That way, all the conspiracy minded people can focus only on the IMF, while some other world group takes control. Thus creating just another distraction.
Whichever possibility we’re left with, I can only say that both are equally grim. Once the Reptilians are exposed and defeated, who can defeat the Greys? While I don’t usually believe in Greys or Zetas (as some call them), I am beginning to wonder. The other possibility that we’re left with is just as grim since if we’re all distracted by the IMF, then the WTO, or even the World Health Organization (WHO) might take control of everything.
Sorry to leave you guys on a dire note. Please stay tuned for more developing situations.
Don’t necessarily believe what Dick Morris is saying here because he might be feeding you another Reptilian lie. Or he might be just stupid and be an uninformed conspiracy theorist who is not yet aware of the Reptilians. Either way, watch this video with skepticism.
Don’t believe anything you hear. Do your own research. Discover your own facts. Homeschool your own kids (except if you’re a Reptilian, in which case, you should go back into the hollow earth from whence you came!).
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