Sunday, September 13, 2009


You came and you gave without taking… Obamaaaaaa! -Stan’s dad from South Park

So I really, really liked Obama’s speech to the joint session of Congress this past week. For the first time I saw him actually raise his voice and show some spine in the face of Republican douchism.

Why did it take so long for him to get angry with these people who have shown no interest in anything but destroying his political career, regardless of the consequences for the country?

If I were President, I would call every GOP member of the house of Representatives a bunch of mindless fucking banchees who don’t deserve to serve at the pleasure of the American people. Then I would call them worse things. Then I would do everything in my power to destroy their political careers in turn. Turnabout is fair play, after all.

Thankfully, I am not the President. I say hateful and destructive things every day of the week about large swaths of people.

Our President has some good taste and is willing to take the high road, even when the lowest, most dank sewer route is called for.

Good for him.

Even still, I want to see some action back up these words. If these GOP nuts want to shoot down any health reform bill no matter what it looks like, then let them vote it down and have the public decide who was right next November. End of story.

The time for playing nice with these jagoffs is over.

The door for contributors is still wide open. Srsly. E-mail me at if you’re interested. Ciao.


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