Sept 29th, 2009:
PROVIDENCE — U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy fears that supercharged passions fueling the national health-care debate may lead to violence.
Drawing on his family’s violent past, the Democratic congressman told roughly 75 people gathered at a private health-care forum Saturday morning that opponents of Democrat-backed health-care legislation had gone too far.
Patrick Kennedy is the last member of his storied family to hold federal office. His father, U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, died one month ago after battling a brain tumor. His uncles, former President John F. Kennedy and former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, were assassinated.
“My family’s seen it up close too much with assassinations and violence in political life. It’s a terrible thing when people think that in order to get their point across they have to go to the edge of violent rhetoric and attack people personally,” Kennedy told the nurses, union officials and AARP members finishing their breakfasts at the invitation-only event in the Providence Marriott hotel. “It’s fine for people to debate the issue and attack the issue, but when they go and stoop to the level of the vitriolic rhetoric that we’ve seen this debate turn up, it’s very, I think, dangerous to the fabric of our country.”
Vitriolic rhetotic like calling protestors “Un-American”, “racist”, “sexist”, “stupid”, “ignorant”, “hicks”…
You mean that vitriol?
No. Of course you don’t.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sept 18th, (near tears notes the ‘empathic’ media):
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco,” Pelosi told reporters, her voice catching in her throat at her weekly press briefing.”This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made,”
The fact that Harvey Milk was assassinated by a Democrat is not worth mentioning I guess.
It made good Ministry of Truth press.
Fear the Tea-Baggers and the Protesters they are violent. Don’t listen to them, they will harm you!
In a subsequent interview, Kennedy went further in warning that angry opposition could create physical danger for elected leaders.
“I will note that there were a number of prominent security people in this country who spoke very openly this past week that … that there are consequences in terms of trying to protect public officials. There are consequences to violent rhetoric,” he said. “Some people can see through TV ratings and right-wing talk show hosts that just try to create some theater, but unfortunately, there are some that can’t see through it. And that’s the danger in it. There is definitely freedom of speech, but freedom of speech does not allow yelling ‘fire’ in the middle of a crowded movie theater.”
Very few, if any arrests at the Tea-Parties and Protests.
Enter the Violence:
The G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh.
A stretch of Forbes Avenue from Oakland Avenue to Atwood Street saw at least a half dozen storefront windows broken, most belonging to the type of big, corporate, chain retail considered prime targets by protest groups opposed to the global capitalist system. They included McDonald’s, American Apparel, FedEx, Subway, Panera and Rite Aid, among others.
Georgia Petropoulos, executive director of the Oakland Business Improvement District, said there was more damage than she expected given the fact that the neighborhood prepared as much as it could and that the police had a major presence to protect it.
“We didn’t anticipate this many,” she said. “We really didn’t.”
The biggest surprise to her was that it wasn’t just national chains that got hit but local independents and franchise operators.
That includes the popular Forbes Avenue location of Pamela’s Diner and the Irish Design Center, a local independent business on Craig Street for 30 years.(Pittsburgh Business Times)
The Quiznos owner had the best sign of the day:
“Please forgive the mess caused by the ‘Peace Loving’ ‘Save the Earth’ G20 Summit Protesters,” the sign said. “Even with broken windows, Quiznos Food is still the best!”
And who were these protesters?
Right wing mobs of racist, sexist , Un-American Insurance Company Lobbyists?
Gun toting tea baggers psychos?
The folks that organized Thursday’s unauthorized march, the G-20 Resistance Group, is encouraging members to spend the morning, before the march, to take unspecified actions against local offices of corporations deemed evil.”
Nope. Mostly, they are extreme leftists and anarchists!
The AP, one of the very few reports on the Ministry of truth at all:
The marchers included small groups of self-described anarchists, some wearing dark clothes and bandanas and carrying black flags. Others wore helmets and safety goggles.
One banner read, “No borders, no thanks,” another, “No hope in capitalism.” A few minutes into the march, protesters unfurled a large banner reading “NO BAILOUT NO CAPITALISM” with an encircled “A,” a recognized sign of anarchists.
Another one said “Eat the Rich.”
So why are we not seeing blame heaped upon documentary filmmaker and avowed socialist Michael Moore for yesterday’s G-20 riots in Pittsburgh? Moore does, after all, preach hateful and extreme anti-capitalist rhetoric. The cryptic slogan for his most recent movie, “Capitalism, A Love Story”, reads, “Capitalism is evil, and you can’t regulate evil.” This line is eerily reminiscent of many of the socialist-anarchist slogans chanted by the G-20 protesters.
They aren’t “the enemy”, so ignore them.
Only people protesting Obama and The Democrats are prone to violence, and racism, and should be feared.
“Despite the use of rubber bullets, chemical weapons, and LRAD (noise) attacks, demonstrators remained on the streets for hours and actions continue across the city,” the group’s press release read.
By that they meant attacks on 13 pre-picked Starbucks stores, a Whole Foods, an American Apparel, a Trader Joe’s, U.S. military recruiting stations, check-cashing outlets, 13 PNC bank outlets and other institutions, all conveniently listed as possibilities on a Google map. Many of these places saw smashed windows and graffiti attacks after they turned up on the blacklist. (IDB)
So they planned ahead to wreck evil capitalist icons and just generally cause as much chaos as possible.
But how much of this was on the Ministry of Truth as compared to the “vitrioltic rhetoric” of people protesting Health Care Reform?
Did you know the origin of the “shocking” ‘Joker’ poster was a 20 year old Palestinian-American Democrat from Chicago!?
Probably not.
Did you know most of the most “hateful” signs the Tea bag protest (the few that there were) were also largley from Democrats?
Did you know Cindy Sheehan, Darling of the Media in 2007, now the scorned and ignored, was in Pittsburgh.
“I was telling the cops, ‘You’re facing the wrong way,’” said Sheehan, an anti-war protester who gained notoriety for camping near then-President George W. Bush’s Texas ranch after her son was killed in Iraq. “The wars were wrong under Bush, and they’re still wrong under Obama.” (Pittsburgh Tribune)
Probably not. Not newsworthy to the Ministry of Truth.
As Gov. Mike Huckabee said, journalism is dead. “I’m sad to report today a death of a good friend to all of us…..Journalism,The once esteemed 4th estate of our nation and the protector of our freedoms and a watchdog of our rights has passed away after a long struggle with a crippling and debilitating disease of acute dishonesty aggravated by advanced laziness and the loss of brain function.”
And what better example do you need than this.
Health Care reform: 10’s of thousands of protesters, very few arrests.
G-20 Leftists and Anarchists: approx 1,000 and 60+ arrests and damage aplenty.
But, the tea-baggers are the dangerous ones. The ones to watch out for, because they just might explode any minute now!
Ignore all the damage in Pittsburgh. Ignore the fact that the shop owners “prepared” for it ahead of time. That there shops were targeted on the internet beforehand.
The ones you have to fear are the racist, un-american tea-baggers!
Who just happen to be protesting Big Brother.
This kind of violence is nothing new. It was found in Seattle in 1999, where former Obama administration green czar Van Jones got himself arrested. It was repeated at other summits in Turin, Italy; Washington, D.C.; and London. These leftists detest capitalism, abhor private property — and have ties to the Democratic Party. (IBD)
And the rhetoric will only get worse as the Democrats scramble to cram this, the Holy Grail of Control Freakishism, down your throat whether you gag or not.
In fact, it’s starting to appear as if the stronger the opposition becomes, the harder the Democrats work on their plans. It’s as if they are legislating out of spite against citizens who must be governed by a heavy hand because they don’t know what’s good for them.
But we’ve heard that before. Just last week, Energy Secretary Steven Chu likened Americans to “teenage kids” who “aren’t acting in a way that they should act” in regard to carbon emissions. (IBD)
Doesn’t it though. And the Ministry of Truth (ABC,NBC,CBS,MSNBC,New York Times, et al) are right there with them.
Pushing hard for their Big Brother.
Orwell: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”
And those revolutionaries are, of course, violent, and they will harm you and your children. And destroy everything that is good, and right, and moral about Big Brother’s cause!
Their violent rhetoric will lead to violence. (Just ignore Pittsburgh, it never happened)
It’s a War the Democrats must win, for the sake of humanity and the planet!
War is peace!
Freedom is Slavery!
Ignorance is Strength!
After all, how can health care for everyone that’s affordable be a bad thing….