Thursday, February 18, 2010

Publication Denies Cover-Up on Obama OIC Envoy, Implies Anti-Muslim Bias

An update to the story first reported at the Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report which among other things, identified the removal of a quote from Obama’s new Special Envoy to the OIC in which Rashad Hussain defended a convicted terror-supporter Sami al Arian.

Conveniently, that quote is reported to have been removed just days after Obama appointed the same Rashad Hussain to serve as his Deputy Associate Counsel one year ago, which we posted here on February 3, 2009. But the reason behind the deletion of Hussain’s quote is still not clear – even after blaming an intern – who denies any error, blaming infidels, and then admitting a mistake in defending why the quote was deleted.

Patrick Goodenough has more from CNS News:

Responding to queries first sent on Sunday, Hanley said Tuesday that the comments attributed to Hussain were actually made by another person attending the event in Chicago, Sami al-Arian’s daughter, Laila al-Arian.

Hanley said an “intern” who attended the event and wrote the story had made an “error.” When this was discovered, the quotes were deleted, she said.

But the writer, contacted by e-mail on Tuesday, denied this.

“When I worked as a reporter at WRMEA, I understood how important it was to quote the right person, and accurately,” Shereen Kandil said. “I have never mixed my sources and wouldn’t have quoted Rashad Hussain if it came from Laila al-Arian.”

“If the editors from WRMEA felt they wanted to remove Rashad Hussain from the article, my assumption is that they did it for reasons other than what you’re saying,” she said. “They never once contacted me about an ‘error’ they claim I made.”

Kandil also said that at the time the story was published, she had completed her internship and had been a full-time WRMEA staff member for five months.

‘A simple error, no big cover-up’

Hanley conceded later on Tuesday that she may have made a mistake, but denied that there was a cover-up.

“My memory was that Shereen had been contacted about this and she had told me to change it,” said Hanley. “So I must have made a mistake if she denies it.  Perhaps someone contacted our Web master directly.”

After looking further into the matter, Hanley said several hours later that the WRMEA Web master thought the archived story had been altered on Feb. 5, 2009, although it was also possible that the change had been made “when our Web site began an ongoing redesign.”

Hussain was named as a White House deputy associate counsel on January 28, 2009.

All the hallmarks of a good coverup. Of course, Hussain’s defense of al-Arian and the resulting cover-up is just one of the troubling aspects of Obama’s new Special Envoy. As pointed out in the GMBDR post – Hussain has a long standing record of meeting with and associating with Muslim Brotherhood entities and individuals – which is being ignored by the media.


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