Thursday, October 1, 2009


There was a poll revoked from face book recently.  To that I ask of the deluded author: what the fuck is wrong with you?

Sir, these days, if you haven’t noticed, people aren’t as grounded as they used to be.  They’re shaken, they’re stirred, they’re having problems thinking and they’re confused.  They see death panels in universal health care and overlook that we have been living and dying under death panels for too many years (when you have no insurance and no income; your trip to the doctor is usually on a gurney in a hospital after you’ve fallen unconscious – trust me, it’s the medical plan I’ve lived with for years).  They’re using words like socialism because they were enchanted by disingenuous members of the GOP that if they weren’t going to get their way, it was what we were headed to.  Come 100 days into a new administration, these leaders and their pundits stoke the flames with cries stating that they’re disenfranchised because they’ve been asked to contribute a little more wealth to a country that’s been overburdened with wars, whose citizens have been stripped of their jobs and homes as a result of a demoralized financial system, thrown into utter chaos as a result of this system they claimed worked just fine.  They’re contributing to fear and paranoia of crowds who come to political rallies donned with firearms and crossed arms who are near their wits end trying to figure it all out and you have the audacity to exercise your freedom of speech by casting a casual spark?

You, are an ass.  I’m certain you’re hard at work, feverishly brewing up some bullshit to serve because I’m also certain in the days to come, you’ll soak up every opportunity to be seen and interviewed by the press.  You’re remedyis to look yourself in the mirror daily and ask yourself “whose our favorite little attention whore?  You are!  YES you ARE!” Please follow this up with a ritual with which you preface every typed, written, and audible sound with a moment of thought as to whether your next mass statement is socially acceptable.  If you find yourself lost in thought, by all means, seek professional help.

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