Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Putting Fox in the crosshairs is really alienating voters

Red Eye on Fox at 3:00 am has more viewers than CNN has at 8:00 pm. The top 13 cable news shows are all – ALL – on Fox. But the president wants to take on Fox? There is a White House taxpayer funded website actually devoted to debunking Fox.

Sure. Take on Fox. And while you’re at it, increase their ratings, increase their viewership.

But here’s something to note: Over 75% of Fox employees identify as liberal. Do you get that news, all of you Fox haters and Obama-maniacs? I will grant you that is less by about 15%, than those who work for MSNBC, but still it’s a respectable majority. And I’m not making those numbers up, I just can’t find the source that I read them at. (If someone else can, I’d appreciate the source information.)

Anyone who watches Fox knows who the talking head liberals are: Geraldo, Greta, Shep, to name a few.  And in all honesty, I think Chris Wallace (the famed Sunday host who was snubbed last month and called the Obamatrons a “bunch of cry babies”) is a closet liberal. But when it’s hard to tell, then the journalist is doing  his job right.

What the Obamatrons are ignoring are the viewers. Those folks who actually do vote. By ignoring and deriding Fox, they are actually ignoring and deriding the Fox News watcher. This is the guy who said he wanted to be president to ALL Americans but he’s not acting like that to the of the millions of Fox viewers. He is telling millions of us that he doesn’t care about us or our vote. He’s punishing us by punishing Fox and we’ll see how that works out for him and his party in the next 2 elections.

From Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters:

Update: New York Times media analyst Brian Stelter wrote about this strategy late Sunday evening…

“Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and Fox News is the target of their attack mentality,” Michael Clemente, the channel’s senior vice president for news, said in a statement on Sunday. “Perhaps the energy would be better spent on the critical issues that voters are worried about.”

Fox’s senior vice president for programming, Bill Shine, says of the criticism from the White House, “Every time they do it, our ratings go up.” Mr. Obama’s first year is on track to be the Fox News Channel’s highest rated.

One Fox executive said that the jabs by the White House could solidify the network’s audience base and recalled that Mr. Ailes had remarked internally: “Don’t pick a fight with people who like to fight.” The executive asked not to be named while discussing internal conversations.

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