This is Obama's Strategy to Destroy America
Joel B. Pollak, over at, has a very interesting investigative story. One I can guarantee you will not see or hear about on any of the alphabet-media newscast. It really is a troubling revelation about how the Democrats put together their health care strategy and this is not just a coincidence or conspiracy. The Democrats are following a convicted felon’s strategy.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) is involved, and the convict is her husband, Robert Creamer. You might remember Schankowsky from this video:
It is no wonder to why Schakowsky didn’t want to take on her husband’s last name. He is a convict because he committed bank fraud and tax evasion and was busted by the FBI. Is not paying taxes a common requirement to be a Democrat?
Creamer was convicted and sentence to 5 months in prison, plus 11 months of house arrest. This liberal idiot likes to call this a “forced sabbatical.” While in prison, Creamer wrote a political manual ”Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win” (Seven Locks Press, 2007) and it looks like the Democrats are using this ‘manual’ to push their government controlled health care scam. It is endorsed by Andy Stern (SEIU) and David Axelrod. Is it shocking that these crooks all hail from Chicago?
You really should go over to and check out the full article. Nothing should shock us anymore about Obama and the radicals who he has surrounded himself with and allows to visit him at the White House. Oh yes, Creamer, a convicted felon, also crashed the State Dinner at the White House.
This is a little excerpt from the article that should grab everyone’s attention:
In the book, Creamer draws lessons from decades of experience on the radical left, including the teachings of arch-radical Saul Alinsky, and several episodes from Rep. Schakowsky’s political career. He also lays out a “Progressive Agenda for Structural Change,” which includes a ten-point plan for foisting universal health care on the American people in 2009:
- “We must create a national consensus that health care is a right, not a commodity; and that government must guarantee that right.”
- “We must create a national consensus that the health care system is in crisis.”
- “Our messaging program over the next two years should focus heavily on reducing the credibility of the health insurance industry and focusing on the failure of private health insurance.”
- “We need to systematically forge relationships with large sectors of the business/employer community.”
- “We need to convince political leaders that they owe their elections, at least in part, to the groundswell of support of [sic] universal health care, and that they face political peril if they fail to deliver on universal health care in 2009.”
- “We need not agree in advance on the components of a plan, but we must foster a process that can ultimately yield consensus.”
- “Over the next two years, we must design and organize a massive national field program.”
- “We must focus especially on the mobilization of the labor movement and the faith community.”
- “We must systematically leverage the connections and resources of a massive array of institutions and organizations of all types.”
- “To be successful, we must put in place commitments for hundreds of millions of dollars to be used to finance paid communications and mobilization once the battle is joined.”
Creamer adds: “To win we must not just generate understanding, but emotion—fear, revulsion, anger, disgust.”
Does any of this sound remotely familiar? We’ve been had America. Obama, and the Democratic Party, are nothing more than lying convicts themselves. They have followed a convicts manual all the way down to the fine print and all to pass a health care bill that has nothing to do with health care.
Who has claimed our health care system is in a crisis? Who has used fake health care horror stories to scare Americans? Who has attacked the health insurance industry? Who worked behind closed doors, hashing deals and selling their votes to the special interests groups like Big PhRMA, The American Medical Associations and AARP? Who is using SEIU and ACORN to attack peaceful tea party protesters?
All this corruption and association with radical is in no way or shape just a coincidence. To many things add up and you can form only one opinion. Obama is like the company he keeps. Obama is a corrupt radical hell-bent on destroying America so he can reshape it to fit his progressive views.
Joel B. Pollak should win a Pulitzer Prize for this story. James O’Keeffe and Hannah Giles should win one for there ACORN story as well. The alphabet-media is dead and will not report about the corruption happening with Obama and his radicals running the White House. Want to know who is writing the legislation Obama pushes? Just check who is behind it. Crooks, convicts and radicals.
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