Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Don Corleoni Obama

Today, Don Barack Obama Corleoni, of the Chicago Community Organizer Mob is calling the 60 Democrats into his House to “discuss” the Health Care Bills passage.

Changing it just a bit:  “I’m gonna make them an offer they can’t refuse.” said Don Obama,” “Staff held a gun to their heads and Speaker assured them that either their brains, or their signatures, would be on the contract. That’s a true story. That’s my family, Harry, it’s not me.”


Should we be checking the Potomac to see if anyone is Swimming with The Fishes tomorrow?

Or maybe we can ask Jimmy Hoffa?


Bet the Ministry of Truth will try and hide this as much as possible:

IBD: Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that says health “reform” will mean the opposite of its advertised promises.

Reform was supposed to be about reducing ever-increasing costs. But HHS says that under the bill now being steamrolled through Congress, total health costs over the next decade (now estimated at $2.5 trillion) “would increase by about 0.7%” over what would take place if we made no changes at all.

Well, someone’s bonuses are going to be politically incorrect coal in the stocking.

And the plan to “save” nearly $500 billion in Medicare costs that Democratic leaders ask us all not to worry about? The result would be cuts in services as providers and physicians who take Medicare patients “could find it difficult to remain profitable and, absent legislative intervention, might end their participation in the program (possibly jeopardizing access to care for beneficiaries).”

According to HHS, because “individuals with health problems or who anticipate a greater risk of functional limitation would be more likely to participate than those in better-than-average health,” premiums would rise and rise, causing an “insurance death spiral” and making the program “unsustainable.”

Actually, after Congress and the president get through wrecking the finest health care system in the world, there would remain “an estimated 24 million” Americans still without health insurance 10 years from now.

So how’s that MANDATORY insurance working?

The IRS will jail you if you don’t pay?

And are half of those the ILLEGAL ALIENS? :)

Hope and Change!

From the Circus in Copenhagen:

A source close to Britain’s negotiating team  said Britain would continue to press publicly for a deal in line with the IPCC’s recommendation, but acknowledged that the targets emerging from the summit would need to be reconsidered at a later date.

How does the careful parsing of the Times’ source piece translate? “To acknowledge the mighty pressure — to at least appear to be ’signing something’ — the industrialized nations might agree to a set of admission standards that can’t realistically be met with the intent to review standards in six years”?

The Times says that (Former Prime Minister) Blair admits that recent developments of leaked e-mails from the leading climate change research institution in the world have caused doubt about when world temperatures might be rising and by how much: “When you come to very precise dates, percentages and so on … then the figures are somewhat more fudgeable.” (AT)

When an overblown environmental conference culminates with Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lecturing the West on virtue, color it another shakedown.

The United Nations’ Copenhagen Climate Conference is going fast into meltdown. It may be because it’s not about climate anymore, but fitting a noose on the world’s productive economies and extracting wealth transfers.

Poor countries have gone from defending their right to economic development as a reason for exemptions to emissions cuts to claiming a “legitimate” right to vast wealth transfers from the West to prevent emissions. They call it “climate justice.”

Leaders of fifty African nations came to Copenhagen asking $400 billion for the next three years to “offset” carbon credit “damages” which they claim to suffer. Inexplicably, two days ago, that demand was increased to an eye-goggling 5% of GDP (gross domestic product), estimated at $722 billion from the United States alone. There never was a response from the industrialized world.(IBD)

I can’t wait for the starving Ethiopian Kids again. (not to be thought heartless, do you know what happened to all that food the last time? Look it up, it wasn’t pretty.)

The shameful thing about the London Times story is that if it is true, the liberal American news media have either missed or studiously ignored the story of the century: “global warming fraud” and the aborted attempt to craft a worldwide, economy-busting treaty based on fake science.(AT)

Time for Don Barack Obama Corleoni to jet his carbon-footprint self again (His 3rd trip to Scandinavia this year) over there and whip them boys back into shape Chicago-Style. :)


“Today everybody agrees that the recession is over. The questions are around how fast we’ll recover.”Director of the White House’s National Economic Council on CNN’s State of the Union.

Didn’t they proclaim it over already once before? and did someone miss the memo:

Take his colleague, Council of Economic Advisors Chairwoman Christina Romer. On NBC’s Meet the Press, she offered a very different definition of recovery: “You’re not recovered until all those people that want to work are back to work.”

David Gregory wanted to be clear: “So in your mind, this recession is not over.” “Of course not,” replied Romer. “The people on Main Street and throughout this country, they are still suffering. The unemployment rate is still 10 percent.”

State of the Union host John King,”To be fair, Summers was speaking from a technical perspective; Romer more from the views of an American who still lacked a job despite some more encouraging recent economic data.”

Good spin cover. Nice “Journalism” there, dude.

True. But which advisor will Obama be listening to as he heads into a midterm election in which his poll numbers are dropping while unemployment numbers continue to rise? (Huffington Post)

And this the White House that is absolutely sure that spending Trillions of dollars on health care “reform” will lower the deficit.

Sure, whatever…

“What’s a bit ironic to me is they were able to figure out how to help the big banks without any summit,” Rep. Marcy Kaptur, co-chairman of the Jobs Now! Caucus, told the Washington Post. “But now that they are talking about helping people, it is a year later and they need a summit. What is that all about?”

And they exclude some of the biggest groups, like the US Chamber of Commerce. from the summit because they had been critical of Obama.

What a way to run a railroad. Right off into the ditch. But don’t worry, it’s still the Republicans fault!

The White House thinks it can jawbone banks into lending to people they don’t want to lend to. We’ve been down this road before, and it led all the way to the 2007 financial meltdown.

Fannie & Freddie and “affordable” housing mortgage rates anyone??

Besides, as economist Thomas Sowell noted in a recent series in IBD, our current economic ills are largely due to just the kind of government meddling we now see in the financial markets.

So maybe we need something other than Chicago Style, less deep dish economics and more of a  thin crust tradition.

[Via http://indyfromaz.wordpress.com]

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