Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top Republican was also in Hawaii during the crotchbombing

Apparently the head of the Republican party was also vacationing in Hawaii while the nefarious crotch bomber was out and about his business.

Rush Limbaugh was rushed to a Honolulu hospital “in serious condition” Wednesday afternoon after complaining of chest pains, several local news sources in Hawaii are reporting.

ABC affiliate KITV reports that paramedics took the arch-conservative radio host to Queen’s Medical Center just after 2:30 p.m. local time Wednesday after Limbaugh complained of chest pains at the resort where he was spending his holidays.

Sorry, I’m not up to speed on whether Rush made any special on-air comments about the crotch bombing while on vacation. More likely his lack of access to a microphone resulted in an embolism brought about by too many unuttered lies blocking his colon.

The Republicans have a long history of playing the national security card.

[T]he GOP charges after the Yalta conference, Nixon and the House Committee on Un-American Activities, the accusations that Democrats “lost” China, Joe McCarthy — historians note that Republicans have been much more willing than their Democratic counterparts to play the national security card to score political points, especially when out of power.

And just to tie this all into the healthcare debate and Wall Street bailout, if Rush is too fucked up to go back to work, which insurance company will be left holding the bag on his massive salary, and will they go under as a result?

[Glenn Greenwald on O's Hawaiian vacation]


A Ramsey County judge has ruled Gov. Pawlenty’s budget cutting to be unConstitutional and a restraining order has been issued.

“The authority of the Governor to unallot is an authority intended to save the state in times of a previously unforeseen budget crisis,” wrote Gearin. “It is not meant to be used as a weapon by the executive branch to break a stalemate in budget negotiations with the Legislature or to rewrite the appropriations bill.”

This will screw up Minnesota’s budget procedure, but that’s not surprising given Pawlenty’s unilateralism. He refused to participate in the legislative process and instead played critic after the fact.

The best thing for Minnesota? A deficit.

Now is not the time to pinch pennies, not when so many Minnesotans are hurting. Unplowed streets are a mandate for additional accidents and car repairs in general.

So far the Strib’s online poll shows support for the judge.

Expect this to turn into a giant mess as this matter gets appealed to judges appointed by Pawlenty. If nothing else, the state supreme court has a majority of Pawlenty cronies on the bench, and they’ll reverse this — and every other lawsuit meant to help average Minnesotans — just as quickly as they can ratchet this case through the courts.

[more links at Bring Me The News and more analysis from David Lillehaug and Eric Black]


The PiPress lets Edward Lotterman, an actual liberal, have some op-ed space today, and the result deserves national links in.

Congressional Republicans have opposed the Obama administration’s health care bill because it will increase the federal government’s role in U.S. health care and increase government outlays by tens of billions of dollars per year.

But in 2003, most of these same Republicans voted for establishing a Medicare drug benefit despite the fact that it would increase the federal government’s role in health care and increase federal outlays by tens of billions of dollars per year.

Slowly but surely, the media seems to be picking sides again, and beginning to realize that the upside of giving free space to Republican bloviators is quickly becoming bad marketing strategy. Readers don’t want to know why we’re not getting change. Readers want change, and more change.

And I wouldn’t mind reading more from Edward Lotterman. I’d love to hear what he has to say about Goldman Sachs….


Nick Kristoff on microsavings, and how they’re rocking the Third World.

Kristoff also explains one of the major reasons why the poor remain poor: with no banks to save money in, they spend their money on “a combination of alcohol, cigarettes, prostitution, soft drinks and extravagant festivals.”

Or pretty much everything they see advertised.


The media simply cannot stop lying about the stock market.

Whores. Flogging the overpriced in a desperate attempt to shovel the last of the lies onto the middle class.


Is Fox News about to get yanked from Time Warner Cable’s lineup?

It won’t save my parents. They have a dish.


The lying liars may have an audience, but increasingly their fan base seems less enthusiastic.

Also from Digby, Joe Klein comes close to pulling his head out of his ass, but then admits he’s hooked on the smell of butt blossoms.


Wolcott on doughy pantsload.



The iSlate rumor mill just keeps chugging along

Another rejected nominee Obama needs to renominate

Booman says love it or leave it (Booman can go fuck himself)

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon is no longer interested in shaping American opinion regarding sports


Loads of tunes tonight at the other blog. Drinking by yourself is totally underrated and not going out into New Year’s Eve traffic is the secret to a long life.

Think about cabbing it tonight.


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