Saturday, December 26, 2009

Show me some love!

by Lee Anthony Nieves

Where is the love in politics?  You know, that mushy, feel-good warmth that makes the body and mind quiver and cave in to just about anything just for the sake of getting along, not making turbulent waves, not wanting to upset another so as to avoid a crisis, unless, of course, it’s with American conservatives.  That is the question many on the right are asking today.

Never mind that President Obama did not get the support of conservatives in the last election.  There’s no love lost in that regard.  He didn’t need them either way to reach the pinnacle of power.  He ran a campaign around the country and to Berlin proclaiming a New American Left vision of peace and prosperity in our time.

However, what’s happened since January 20, 2009 is remarkable.  The left has become embittered of Obama for his lack of an outright binding international agreement to curb what they see as man-made global warming (despite clear evidence there is no such phenomenon).

His healthcare legislation before congress is so confusing to read (2,000 pages long for each house version) the only way it’s been able to get support from many in his party is for the Democratic congressional leadership to bribe members with millions in pork.  Thus, bringing the cost up for “free universal healthcare” considerably beyond what the Democrats say.

Obama’s reluctance to even send more troops to Afghanistan, dithering for 90 days before reaching a decision in late November, didn’t appease the left either which had sought complete abandonment of the war against Islamic jihadism.

His decision to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by January 2010 has been extended a few months to the consternation of his radical base, as Obama has met scores of vitriol for even closing the facility, let alone bringing several hundred jihadis over onto US soil to receive the full constitutional rights that we Americans cherish so much.

Yet, despite this banking to the hard left in an effort to prove to the world community that “Hope” and “Change” has finally arrived in the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, why is President Obama not being respected by real radicals like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Cuba’s Castro’s, Iran’s Ahmedinejad, the Russian duo of Putin and Medvedev, and China’s Wen Jiabao?

Commented Chavez at Copenhagen after Obama had spoken that the podium smelled like sulphur.   The Cuban foreign minister called Obama an “imperial and arrogant liar,” as Fidel remarked that despite the “smile and African-American face,” Obama was simply masking the US’s true intentions towards the developing nations.  And, to add insult to injury, neither the Chinese nor Russian leaders attend a meeting organized by Obama with Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, and Nicolas Sarkozy over climate change in Copenhagen.  What gives?

As the infamous Rodney King would ask, Can’t we all just get along?  Better ask the left first!


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