Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Newfound Pet Peeve

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Just felt like dropping a line. Or more like venting my annoyance. Do you want to know what really annoys me? Probably not, but I will say it anyway. What really annoys me is when people criticize Barack Obama for receiving a nobel peace prize. I have head lots of insults float in his direction on how he has done very little to deserve the prestigious award.

I am a HUGE Obama fan and am extremely irritated by all of this resentment. Did he deserve the prize? In my opinion, no, he did not. I think he received it far too early before he even had a chance to prove his diplomatic skills. But you know what? TAKE IT UP WITH THE NORWEGIANS! I am not entirely sure, but I can hypothesize that Obama did not sit at his desk and craft a plea to the prize committee begging them to award him the honor. He didn’t ask for this, a collective group of people GAVE it to him. So when I see people who direct spiteful comments towards the president, my blood boils. Personally, I think Obama deserves an award for inheriting the cess pool that was America as George W. Bush left it, but I seem to be in the minority regarding that manner.

Seriously, though, lay off. And if it really bugs you, pen a nice note to some Norwegians, not the President of the United States whose peace prowess, or supposed lack thereof, had no influence on this decision.


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