Sunday, November 29, 2009

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!

Just a few hours ago Boulder’s Unity Church hosted a talk given by Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! and author of Standing Up to the Madness. I was turned on to the website and this book (she has others) a couple of months ago by my friend Jeff and have since checked the website everyday as one of my sources of news. The site contains videos and transcripts from their daily newscasts that are also available on radio stations and television stations across the US.

Goodman talked a decent amount about the importance of independent media in her talk. Because of the corporate media’s agenda and desire to maintain the status quo, people need sources that don’t warping the truth or lie for the sake of profiting from higher ratings. Much of the large news organizations are dominated by pundits and commentators that, as has often put it, “know so little about so much, explain the world to us, and get it so wrong.”

Other topics were covered as well. Apparently, Senator Obama was a supporter of single-payer health insurance, but clearly this is not what President Obama now advocates. Health care companies use their millions of dollars to influence his policies to ensure that they continue to make ridiculous profits, and he probably has other less than satisfactory reasons as well. Meanwhile, 45,000 people die each year because they don’t have health insurance – 123 a day.

When Goodman asks large media outlets why they don’t really cover anything about single-payer, they say it takes too long and cannot fit it in to their 8-second soundbites. Well, saying “It’s Medicare, but for everyone” probably only takes half that. Obviously, something fishy is going on there. Just another reason to avoid the corporate media. (Hey, weird fact: did you know Keifer Sutherland’s grandfather, Tommy Douglas, was the man who introduced universal health care in Canada?)

Is it not ironic that just as Obama is expected to announce an escalation in the war in Afghanistan, he will also be receiving the Nobel Peace Prize? Goodman pointed this out to the audience, which BTW was quite large. Among other issues addressed in this talk were climate change and the importance of dissent in democracy.

As far as speakers go, her voice isn’t the most incredible. But listening to her was quite the experience. She is surprisingly funny while also being informative, engaging, and inspiring. No better way to spend a Saturday night.


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