Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama agree that jail time might be appropriate for those who can afford, but refuse to purchase health insurance. Let’s take a quick look at their twisted logic.
- Currently, every person in America has access to emergency health care. It doesn’t matter if you are a citizen, illegal alien, felon or philanthropist. Emergency care can be accomplished in a number of ways. You can go to the nearest hospital emergency room, Redi-Care or other private clinic or any open doctor’s office. Doctors and nurses are obligated to care for your emergency needs. You can also dial 911 on any phone and paramedics will come to you, treat you and transport you to the hospital emergency room if necessary. You need no cash and you don’t even need to identify yourself correctly.
- Low income families eligible for welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, SSI or any other government program may walk into any clinic that accepts these programs and be treated for any malady expressed. The clinic will bill the government. Medications are available upon request. A minimal co-pay may be required, but you can ask to be billed.
So the new health bill (I hesitate to call it health care because little health or care will result), as currently written includes a clause to fine non-participants and if they refuse to pay the fine they can be jailed. Okay!
- Once you are in jail you are not only entitled to, but mandated to receive care for any health concern. Bladder cancer, no problem, you will receive chemo, radiation treatment or surgery – whichever is most appropriate. Toothache – still no problem. You might get a filling, root canal or extraction depending on the severity and cause of the pain. Dentures are also available if you need them in order to enjoy the food. Eyeglasses, etc. same no cost plan. Pre-existing conditions regardless of their severity are of no concern. All will be treated.
- You have no taxpayer obligations as long as you are incarcerated. So if you choose not to purchase into a government mandated health plan you can receive the services free of charge and also save the taxes that would otherwise pay for them. How cool is that?
So to recap, if you don’t buy into the government’s plan you will become a prisoner of the government and no longer have to concern yourself with where you’ll sleep, what you’ll eat, how to get over any illness, how to allay any pain and you won’t have to pay any taxes. It’s all free.
You will be completely dependent on the government to provide all your needs. They won’t be lavishly or luxuriously presented, but they will be provided. This is exactly the direction we are being led right now. Tax the rich until they’re poor and everyone is dependent on the government to provide their basic needs.
But there is a problem. The more people there are dependent on the government, the fewer there are free to earn and pay the taxes necessary to pay for the dependents. It can only come down to the controlled doling of the goods and services available. That’s also known by the evil word RATIONING.
It is true that our government doesn’t get all the money they spend from the citizens and businesses. Some of it comes from goods and services purchased by other countries. But wait! If there are little or no goods and services, or if they are of poor quality, produced because all the citizens are subservient to the government and unwilling to give 100% there will be little to sell to other countries.
So the government wants to take over every aspect of our lives, but doesn’t have a plan to address the long term consequences. Vote the crazy, debauched and power hungry elite out of office and replace them with reasonable, rational men and women that can and will restore our greed based free market system. It may have its ups and downs, but then all of life does. People must take back some personal responsibility. We can live like that and live free.
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