Mike Huckabee is on a 60 city tour to promote his new book, “ A Simple Christmas.” Friday, November 13, 2009, Governor Huckabee was at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Charlotte, NC to sign copies of his book. I shook hands with Mr. Huckabee and shared a few brief comments with him about this blog.
To Governor Mike Huckabee from the Citizen Wells blog, concerned Americans across the nation.
Mr. Huckabee, you do seem to be a very nice man, there is a consenus of agreement on that, but you have offended many concerned Americans with your uninformed opinion on Obama’s eligibility issues and your stance on illegal aliens and other issues. Upholding the US Constitution and rule of law is the highest priority of the good people reading this blog as well as millions of other Americans. These are hard working, sincere Americans that do not fit neetly into compartments of birthers and right wing conservatives. This blog, like the tea party movement, represents Americans of all political parties, economic strata and religious persuasions. Your Pelosi like insults of those questioning Obama and his natural born citizen status were not taken lightly. I suggest you do some homework and listen. Even Lou Dobbs of CNN, the Communist News Network, acknowledged that the suspicious COLB presented by the Obama camp was just a piece of paper that referred to another piece of paper.
Last year Fox was the only network presenting any realistic coverage of issues surrounding Barack Obama. Sean Hannity and then Glenn Beck asked probing questions that the MSM ignored or glossed over. However, I critized Fox then for not covering controversial issues surrounding Obama. Some of those issues have now been addressed and still Fox has been hands off on the eligibility issue. Bill O’Reilly has bragged about grilling Obama in an interview last year, and perhaps, compared to the MSM, he did. However, many well informed Americans, including myself, belive O’Reilly gave Obama a free ride.
So Governor Huckabee, it is somewhat understandable why you were ill informed regarding Obama’s eligibility. However, ultimately, you should not have insulted well informed, concerned Americans who rightfully believe that Obama is not a natural born citizen. It is not too late. Below are comments from the good Americans of this blog. Some retired military, some with legal educations, but all genuinely care about this country.
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 3:08pm Pixel Patriot
“Huckabee might be a nice man but he is still a hypocrite. You can’t condone ILLEGAL immigration and open borders during a time of war while there are laws on the books going unfunded and unenforced. I would have more respect for him if he advocated compassionately deporting the ILLEGAL immigrants ASAP and hitting the employers with hefty fines while simultaneously changing the immigration laws so that more are allowed to enter every year but from the back of the line. If the families don’t want to be separated, the families go too until they get back in. No more anchor babies. Also, the radical Islamic jihadists are the first to go and it is just fine if the door hits them in the butt on the way out!
Oh, don’t forget that Huckabee is on record saying Obama is a citizen and born in Hawaii. Huckabee is either complicit in covering for Obama’s crimes via silence or too incomprehensibly negligent to be a candidate for the office of the POTUS and not have a legal research team to definitively determine his opponents’ eligibility when in question as obvious as it was. Remember, the BC is not the issue; it is the dual nationalities which Obama publicly admitted to before the election.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 3:30pm Maddie
“Great points, Pixel Patriot. Although there are
plusses with Huckabee, I did hear him go down
the complacent trail of citizen and Hawaii. I’m not hitching my wagon to anyone who does that.
Ba-bye Huck.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 3:45pm citizenwells
“Huckabee was not my candidate in 2008 and I do not know if I could ever
vote for him.
However, he is intelligent and articulate and is not going away.
He appears to have opened his eyes on the Obama Camp and
he may be trainable.
Does he have the scruples he appears to have?
We will find out.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 4:06pm c.n.d.e. ville II
“At the moment, my litmus test for the salvageableness of any office holder is the eligibility issue. If Huckabee today starts asking questions about o’s background and eligibility for office, I MIGHT move him from my “I want you our of our government immediately” list to my “okay, maybe not immediately, but you had REALLY better mean this” list.
Realistically, since, at the moment, no potential candidates seem to pass my test, I may have to revise my standards. Sigh. lol Story of my life.
I dunno, if we keep settling for the lesser of evils, will we ever get the good (with warts and all, of course)?”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 4:53pm Don
“Huckabee isn’t my first choice. I would vote for him as the lesser of two evils, like I did McCain.
I did NOT like his stance on illegal aliens.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 5:06pm Maddie
“ARMY DAV—That’s exactly when I took him off the list—we are not right wing loonies.
Mr. Huckabee has now joined the ostriches
with their heads stuck in the sand—
hear no evil, see no evil little “cozy clan!””
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 5:08pm Magna Carta
“I do not trust Huckabee.There was a rape case or something in his home state and he let the guy out or something that really got some people worked up…THEY DID NOT WANT HIM TO ADVANCE.
Then,he did the Wal-Mart thing with illegals..pushing for DREAM ACT…etc…
Snake-oil salesman in my book.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 5:10pm Linda from NY
“Huckabee is a likable guy; soft-spoken and not apt to “go off the deep end,” but not POTUS material IMHO.
If he is complicit in the eligibility issue as many of you have said, then I cannot trust him to lead.
The “lesser of two evils” vote never appealed to me…that expression just irks me.
I am looking for the man/woman who is a proponent of the “greater good.”
They have to be more than willing to “talk the talk;” they will have to demonstrate to me they can “walk the walk.”
We need to vote in those who are willing to “fight” for the Constitution to be upheld, and the Declaration of Independence to be respected.
I am certain that will be easy to determine from what we already know.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 5:13pm Buraq ‘08
“I’m not interested in Mike Huckabee in any way, shape, or form.
Firstly, he is much too soft spoken. He sounds like a therapist. A person either has leadership qualities, or he doesn’t. Mike doesn’t.
Secondly, he is a typical republican.
Thirdly, he looks like Gomer Pyle.
Fourthly, I support Sarah Palin.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 6:27pm Buraq ‘08
“@ Citizenwells:
Heh, sorry. Sometimes I can get carried away.
Since the 2008 elections. I find that my patience is very thin for certain republicans. What really bugs me the most is that the GOP seems incapable of producing conservative leaders. I am very bothered by what seems to be the GOP’s intention to run the exact same failed candidates from 2008 as if they have learned nothing at all.
If they try to nominate McCain, Romney, or Huckabee again, I think my head may explode.
From my standpoint, Sarah Palin was the only bright spot from 2008.
Ideally, what I would like to see in a candidate is a true conservative fighter, and I really mean a fighter. Mike just comes across as too passive to me. Perhaps I am wrong.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 6:47pm ARMY D.A.V.
“Romney vs Huckabee or RINO vs RINO”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 7:00pm Prairie
“My take on Huckabee. When the country is being taken over by marxists, his show has not tackled one controversial topic outside of abortion. He is the really nice boy in school- that no girl would date. He doesn’t have what it takes to lead.”
Submitted on 2009/11/13 at 8:04pm live oak
“Never Huckabee!!!”
Submitted on 2009/11/14 at 4:04am usapatriots-shout.blogspot.com
“Huckabee is likable but disingenous to me. What specifically turned me against him was his denial about Obama’s ineligibility to be president.
The man or woman who would be our next president will do so if He/she runs on the platform of restoring America to the republic under the Constitution, promising to challenge Obama’s sealed documents, tightening the borders, repealing the health care plan –if Senate passes it and redefining America as a Christian/Judeo country. In my observations I think Palin has the guts to do this. It also may well depend upon who runs with her and if she stays with the Republicans or creates a third party.”
Submitted on 2009/11/14 at 8:46am Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco
We will Not settle for an appeaser and softy. We will not settle for a coneiver and one that conspired with McAmensty during teh election to SCREW Romeny and teh Republicans therefore getting us STUCK with a RINO who hushed, handcuffed and sabotaged his VP candidate and his own candidacy by sticking up MORE for BO than Palin. After the disaster of an INSURGENCY PRESIDENCY we need a STRONG CANDIDATE that we all can support and unite behind someone fromthe Reagan Wing of the Repuke Party otherwise lets start a new party.
Palin and DeMint or Bachmann are my Top Choices and we shoudl start organizing for them strating NOW.
Forget the DISRUPTERS which is what The Huckster is right along with his running mate McCain.
We need someone with Strong Conservative Principles that clearly has the character and the guts to Stand Firm, communicate clearly and take decisive actions. Someone that we will follow without doubts or REGRETS.
Palin, DeMint, Bachmann NO BODY ELSE right now. Even Romney is too weak as a Conservative even though I like him economically, but he has disappeared and that isn’t good.
Romney should run for Kennedy’s Senate seat and maybe in 2020 run for President”
Mike Huckabee, are you going to be a Statesman or a Politician?
We want our representatives to be nice and exercise protocol to the extent that it protects the American public.
John McCain was polite last year but he did not look after the interests of the public. We fault him for that.
Governor Huckabee, are you listening?
Governor Huckabee, will you do the right thing?
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