Thursday, November 12, 2009

Healthcare in America

Healthcare in America

When one can point to 60% of all bankruptcies in the United States of America and attribute them to medical expenses and the rising cost of healthcare outrage should not be the reaction, action should be the response. With countless numbers of American families finding themselves homeless and dying each day it is clear that something needs to be done now or more than half of the citizens of this country will find themselves trapped in the grip of medical depth and poverty. As Americans you must ask yourselves what we can do. How can we effect change in a system that seems bent on breaking every person that lives under?

Theses questions have come across the minds of many in the last decade, and for those with half a heart, and others that have had to suffer thought the lost of a loved one to sickness have decided to take steps to break the system that seeks to be breaking this country. Healthcare reform is the answer to the beast that calls itself Healthcare in America, and reform in needed now not later.

The healthcare system in this country is a joke at best, providing little to no coverage to people at very high premiums. People pay millions only to tell them in their moment of need that they cannot be covered for the sickness or injury that has befallen them. Where is the justice in that? How can a company in good faith ask a person to pay $500 to $1000 per month for the assurance of health coverage only to find out that the insurance company will not pay in their time of need?

Some would say that the system is broken, but others would say that is it working just find; the problem is it is working for the wrong people. The Ceo’s and presidents of the major insurance companies are doing just find, they are taking in the hard earned money that is paid out each month, and reaping the reward of never have to look a sick person in the face. So the system is working great for them, but what about the little people? The people that build the wealth of these cash kings, the people that need to help the most.

Let’s face facts most people that have health insurance can’t really afford it, and the only reason they have it is because their jobs are covering part of the cost. But if the owner of their company decides that he or she will not pay for that coverage anymore, or the rates go up and the company passes that cost to the employee, then what shall they do? What then, people will drop their health care coverage, and pray that they never need to go to the hospital that is what they will do.

God forbid that person does get sick; the hospitals will not provide the best care if they are not sure they will be paid. People are dying in this country everyday because they don’t receive the kind of health care they need. Healthcare providers are wrong, Hospitals are wrong, Doctors are wrong. It needs to be changed and changed right now.

The current White House administration has pushed for the passing to healthcare reform which would provide the American citizens National Healthcare coverage. This bill has been thought many revisions, and reprints, as the lawmakers try to work it out people are still dying and losing their homes. Matters are not helped any by the town hall meetings that have succeeded in building fear in the hearts of people all of the country. report that there are five main untruths that are being told in these meetings they are. 1. You’ll have no choice in what health benefits you receive. 2. No chemo for older Medicare patients. 3. Illegal immigrants will get free health insurance. (This question even sparked an outburst on the floor of the House as one lawmaker shouted “you Lie” at President Obama). 4. Death panels will decide who lives. (This one was coined by Sarah Palin) 5. The government will set doctors’ wages. all of which have been proven to be lies at

However these outbursts in mid America has not stopped that facts from rolling in, and that is that some lawmakers are looking more at the counties bottom-line then they are looking at the wellbeing of the people that live here. But the is hope, because the country was built by the people for the people, you have rights, rights to make a change and rights to demand a difference in how business is done.

What can the everyday American citizen do to help bring this change? Are you like the hundreds if not thousands of people in this country that have had to watch a loved one die for a sickness that could have been death with is that loved one had good healthcare? There are many options’ that can be employed that have been proven to made change.

First this country needs to move into a national healthcare system, providing good medical coverage for its people. The cost will be high for the country but after all that has been collected via tax dollars, and other government programs the return with healthcare coverage should be seen as a small investment. Countries like Japan have had national healthcare for years, and it has not broken their economy.

The debate over national healthcare has gone on for many years, Now that the House has passed the bill it must now move into the senate, this could be the place where the bill dies. But that does not have to be the case; you can call your local senator person and request they pass the bill. Law makers work for the people, the people do not work for them, and the people that voted them in office has a right to make request, it is your right so use it.

Secondly a person can look into supplemental insurance. This is the kind of insurance that pays the policy holder in the event of a sickness or injury. These kinds of policies are low in cost, and pay big for persons with coverage. Companies like Aflac, have made a big name for themselves in this area.

They currently offer supplemental coverage in areas of sickness, accident, cancer, dental, vision, life, ICU, and even specified health events. This policy will pay the policy hold cash if they suffer any of the listed problems. Aflac is not major medical, and cannot be used at a medical card, but once it pays out the user will be thankful that the bought the coverage.

Lastly a person can look into self insuring. This is a hard road but it will allow a person to pay themselves with their own money, and earn money via the investments, companies like Primarica can help in that area. The down side of self investment and self insurance is that the person will have to manage their monies very carefully.

With option available the people of this county become more empowered, and better able to stand up for what is right. Knowledge is the key to understand where this country is and where it will be going. The healthcare bill is a good bill, but it must be understood. Ready parts of it for understanding, get educated on the areas of health care. The Michael Moor move Sicko is a good place to stop if one wants and understanding.

The thing that makes this country great is the fact that is has always been able to provide protection and safety for its people. Opening its borders and shores as a beacon of hope for all that wanted a better life. The country has gotten away from that original mission and move to something that most people do not recognize. But her people, those that live off the fat of this land must stand up and cry no more!

No more rich getting richer, and the poor getting nothing, no more Washington fat cats in bed with insurance companies allow people the die just because it puts more money in their pocket. This country was founded to take care of those that live within her borders, the statue of liberty still reads part of a most wonderful song.

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breath free;

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless,

Tempest-tossed to me

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning,

And her name, Mother of Exiles.

From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome;

Her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor

That twin cities frame.

“Keep, Ancient Lands, your storied pomp!”

Cries she with silent lips.

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breath free;

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless,

Tempest-tossed to me

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Can this call be renewed, can healthcare reform be the glue that brings this country together for the cause of helping others. Will this country live up to its billing, and be true to what it once put on paper? That all men has the right to life liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, let’s not let a little thing like healthcare get in the way of this great creed.

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