Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Gaza Gambit: Exit Biden, Enter Lula

Angelo da C.I.A.

Above: Brazilian blogger Angelo of the C.I.A, “A Manual of Anti-Ahmedinejad Protest.” A strongly worded manifesto against hate speech.

As prefab scandal rocks the Sambodian republic of print and online media, the president of Brazil embarks on a remarkably audacious diplomatic initiative.

Do you think maybe the two are related?

Also related: Joe Biden’s trip to the Arab-Israeli conflict zone and Hillary’s recent and notably under-reported domestically visit to Brazil.

Brazil’s principal foreign policy goal since the Lula government took office has been a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council.

Can they pull it off?

With John “I Am The Walrus and You, Sir, Are a Nazi” Bolton out of the way?

Recent headline here:

Ahmedinajad is not a Nazi: Lula

The Estadão (remixed, with a new site designed by Innovation International, I believe) reports.

Com uma oferta de mediação brasileira apresentada em 2003 e ressuscitada agora no fim do mandato, o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva inicia amanhã uma visita oficial a Israel e aos territórios palestinos em um momento especialmente delicado para as negociações de paz, que os Estados Unidos desejam mediar.

With an offer to mediate first presented in 2003 and revived now at the end of his mandate, President da Silva begins an official visit tomorrow to Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The trip comes at a particularly delicate moment in the peace negotiations, which the U.S. wants to mediate.

Ao desembarcar hoje em Tel-Aviv, Lula chegará com uma bagagem potencialmente explosiva: sua insistência em levar mais interlocutores para esse difícil diálogo, entre os quais o Brasil, e em interferir nas discussões internas entre a Autoridade Palestina (AP) e os radicais do Hamas.

When he lands in Tel Aviv today, Lula will arrive with something potentially explosive in his luggage: …

“Lula is a suicide bomber.”

Is it just me, or do metaphors matter?

…. his insistence upon bringing more participants to the table in this difficult process, Brazil among them, and interfering in internal talks between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas radicals.

“Lula insists on interfering.”

How can talks between the PA and Hamas be described as “internal”?

They shoot each other, don’t they?

No auge das pretensões, o Brasil quer até mediar diretamente o diálogo entre o Fatah e o Hamas, que tomou o controle da Faixa de Gaza em junho de 2007, após derrotar as forças de segurança do movimento laico.

The height of Lula’s pretension is for Brazil to directly mediate the talks between Fatah and Hamas, which seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 after defeating the security forces of the secular movement.


Territorially separate and governed by opposing secular and theocratic, though ethnically homogeneous, actors.

Meddling in internal affairs?

Also, with the verb pretender, I hear a note of “Lula is a wannabe.”

Or is it just me?

Ontem, o vice-presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, partiu de Israel, encerrando seu esforço para fazer avançar as negociações indiretas entre palestinos e israelenses. Sua visita foi prejudicada pelo anúncio de Israel de que pretende construir 1.600 casas em Jerusalém Oriental.

Yesterday, U.S. VP Biden left Israel, closing his effort to advance indirect talks between Palestinians and Israelis. His visit was marred by the announcement that Israel plans to build 1,600 homes in East Jerusalem.

O argumento básico de Lula em favor de novos interlocutores é embalado pelo fracasso da mediação dos EUA. Um ministro próximo a Lula esmiuçou assim, na semana passada, a crítica à atuação de Washington: os EUA são parte interessada, estão atrelados ao ponto de vista de Israel.

Lula’s basic argument in favor of bringing new parties to the table received a boost from the failure of U.S. mediation. Last week, a cabinet minister close to Lula detailed the criticism of U.S. policy as follows: The U.S. is an interested party, handcuffed to the Israeli position.

A mesma fonte lembrou que, apesar dos avanços iniciais nas negociações que mediou, a Casa Branca não conseguiu fechar um acordo capaz de permitir a convivência pacífica e segura entre os dois lados.

The same source recalled that in spite of inicial progress, the White House failed to close a deal that would make possible the peaceful, secure coexistence of both sides.

Forget those Riotur videos with endless black and tan and generically Latin hotties in microbikinis: ethnically, the prominent Arab and Jewish communities here have contributed enormously to Brazilian cultural identity, even as Brazil has tropicalized those communities.

(Some of the rest Syrian restaurants outside Damascus are here in São Paulo. Also, the McDonald’s of Middle Eastern cuisine: Habbib’s.)

They are not necessarily polarized along the same lines as the dyad CAIR-AIPAC, I think.

Also, despite its many shortcomings in terms of governance, Brazil fields professional career diplomats almost exclusively — rather than, oh, say, e-commerce moguls who are also top-bundling Bush Pioneers from GOPAC.

Persons of the same quality and culture as, for example, the great poet Vinicius de Morães.


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