Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blue dogs are cowering puppies nothing more nothing less...i'll believe it when i see it this time around

So call me crazy if you want to but i don’t believe it for a second considering many of those same blue dogs crumbled below promises of new jobs and previously a version of the health care bill was rammed through. This time around i don’t buy it either they can say they are against it blah blah blah but really in the end they only care about there jobs and hell if they get a promise of money or a better position in there state they will vote for it

Lieberman is a classic example of one that as many of you know came out backing McCain and it really appeared like he was dead set against battling this health care bill but when the time came to vote he folded and voted anyways to pass it

Those in power right now ala the democrats are nothing more than a Mafia of there own with Obama being the Don. Let’s his most recent words, “We will consider a few republican ideas” okay that sounds wonderful but what he is really saying is we will “consider” a few but guess what folks were not starting over and we are shoving this thing through and i have no doubt they will shove it through either

At the end of the day these “blue dogs” need to find a new job because they are not representing anything but themselves and the money for a new project in there state

In the words of my liberal friend Corey when talking to him about a month ago he had this to say about the president whom he voted for, “This is not change this is bullshit Chris”

Another take on the situation as i see it feel free to comment and i welcome a discussion if you agree with me wonderful and on the same hand if you don’t then tell me why and we can talk about it


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