If Obama is a Christian then Martin Luther King is a Muslim…and Rev. Wright is really Malcolm X….
I really know no other way to deal with common propaganda other than to submit the long articles of our founders declarations to the contrary. I’m against alien forces of religion whether secular or otherwise who have infiltrated our gov’t and institutions intent on destroying us and our form of gov’t from within. I do believe we are on the road to one world ruling class elitism better known as tyranny, and I’ve tried my best to demonstrate the deceptive intricacy of their subterfuge. The new age Spartans or the new global Babylon?
Morality or moral codes differ in secularism and other religions around the world. Just because a person says they believe in a God it does not mean it is the same God or set of ethics they are admitting to. So, you can see the fine edge that our Founders were balancing on in their efforts to establish, and protect our new unique form of Republican gov’t from the subversive and the undermining efforts of other existing secular/religious entities that mankind has fought over and been oppressed by since the beginning of civilization.
Over the past several years, President Barack Obama has repeatedly claimed that America is not a Christian nation. He asserted that while a U. S. Senator, 1 repeated it as a presidential candidate, 2 and on a recent presidential trip to Turkey announced to the world that Americans “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” 3 (He made that announcement in Turkey because he said it was “a location he said he chose to send a clear message.” 4 ) Then preceding a subsequent trip to Egypt, he declared that America was “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world” 5 (even though the federal government’s own statistics show that less than one-percent of Americans are Muslims. 6.
Last May, President Obama refused to invite Christian and Jewish leaders to the White House to participate in the National Day of Prayer (as former presidents have done). He did invite Muslim leaders to the White House for a special Muslim Ramadan celebration to commemorate Allah delivering the Koran to his prophet Mohammed. Islam will shine through America’s capitol, and proudly and unabashedly they declare, “Our Time Has Come!”
Barack (Barry) Obama (Soetoro) is not a private citizen and he is a representative of his Muslim religion to which he does in fact have certain obligations. Furthermore, it is customary for a convert to Islam to change their name to reflect their conversion to the faith. However, I do not in any way believe it to be prejudiced or discriminatory to protect our form of Republican gov’t, our way of life, or our national identity from alien subversives or your enemies. With the spider being in our high office he can hide his Islamic agenda behind the progressive secular agenda currently at work within our Republican gov’t and our institutions, and therefore affect policies towards our allies in Israel and England,etc. Obama can also affect changes in immigration, schooling, and so many other areas to allow further and easier access to our country and our institutions by our avowed enemies. This is nothing to joke about. It is all or nothing, and it is happening whether the American people recognize it or not. It does not matter to our enemies if they subvert us from within…to them it’s all the same…..
Christianity . . . introduce[ed] a better and more enlightened sense of right and justice. . . . It taught the duty of benevolence to strangers. 23 JAMES KENT, “FATHER OF AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE”.
The Christian philosophy, in its tenderness for human infirmities, strongly inculcates principles of . . . benevolence. 24 RICHARD HENRY LEE, SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION, FRAMER OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
Significantly, nations that are primarily secular in their orientation (or those predominated by non-Judeo-Christian religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Jainism, Taoism, Sikhism, Bahá’í, Diasporic, Juche, etc.) rarely become involved in benevolent endeavors, and certainly are not aggressive in organizing humanitarian relief. In fact, when the massive tsunami devastated Muslim Indonesia in 2004, other Muslim nations did little to assist a nation of their own faith, yet America – even though considered by Indonesia’s (where Obama attended a School of Islam) dominant religion to be the “Great Satan” – was quickly on the scene, providing assistance in money, supplies, labor, and technology.
The benevolence that characterizes America – the compassion and humanitarianism that we have inculcated into our culture – is the unique product of the Bible; and non- and even anti-religious Americans have been trained in Biblical benevolence as characteristic of our culture (even if they do not recognize the source of that principle!).
As Noah Webster explained:
The ecclesiastical establishments of Europe which serve to support tyrannical governments are not the Christian religion but abuses and corruptions of it. 23
Daniel Webster similarly explained that American Christianity was:
Christianity to which the sword and the fagot [burning stake or hot branding iron] are unknown – general tolerant Christianity is the law of the land! 24
Adams declared:
The policy of Christendom has made cowards of all their sailors before the standard of Mahomet. It would be heroical and glorious in us to restore courage to ours. 25
Furthermore, it was Adams who declared:
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were. . . . the general principles of Christianity. . . .
“Father of American Jurisprudence.” Justice Story openly declared:
One of the beautiful boasts of our municipal jurisprudence is that Christianity is a part of the Common Law. . . . There never has been a period in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as lying at its foundations. . . . I verily believe Christianity necessary to the support of civil society. 3
His conclusion about America and Christianity was straightforward:
In [our] republic, there would seem to be a peculiar propriety in viewing the Christian religion as the great basis on which it must rest for its support and permanence. 33
Justice John McLean (1785-1861) was appointed to the Court by President Andrew Jackson. McLean served in the U. S. Congress, as a judge on the Ohio Supreme Court, and then held cabinet positions under two U. S. Presidents. His view on the importance of Christianity to American government and its institutions was unambiguous:
For many years, my hope for the perpetuity of our institutions has rested upon Bible morality and the general dissemination of Christian principles. This is an element which did not exist in the ancient republics. It is a basis on which free governments may be maintained through all time. . . . Free government is not a self-moving machine. . . . Our mission of freedom is not carried out by brute force, by canon law, or any other law except the moral law and those Christian principles which are found in the Scriptures. 34
They can run but they can’t hide!!!!
I doubt our subversive comrades could ever live up to their pretentious belief in our God or to the founding principles within our constitution….
Well, Mr. Spider, take your alien religious, secular/liberal subversiveness and try your rhetoric in Russia, China or your home country of Kenya. See if they will give up their form of gov’t, national identity, and their form of religion to a foreign usurper. I think you know where you will end up….
There are different factions fighting for dominance within Islam. However, these warring factions will unite against the infidel in a heart beat. The religion of Islam governed by the Quran, Hadith, and the five pillars of Islam dictate Muslim unity and jihad against the infidel which as a Muslim you are to lie or do whatever it takes to subvert, convert, or eventually kill the infidel. Your reward is seven under aged virgins and a seat close to Allah….
In the past I took the time to read the Quran, the Hadith, and I spoke with several members belonging to different Islamic factions. I found that they share the same common denominator when it comes to the infidel and members who turn their backs on Islamic faith. They are dead serious about these two issues. Much more serious than the secular/liberally indoctrinated, and fallen Christians that exist in our country today; this is very sad….
Our Founders state clearly in documents I’ve submitted here that our form of Republican gov’t is based on a Judeo-Christian code of morality, and was not intended to be subverted or undermined or all would be lost to the corrupt, subversive and oppressive alien institutions that exist in other countries. This is why our Founders required a person(s) to announce a belief in (our) God when taking the oath of office for all positions within our Republican gov’t, and to possess Godly Christian principles to guide their character (knowledge) in their governing and law making.
A few of the alien and progressively radical, secular/liberal, US supreme court judges have been trying to do away with this rite of passage to public office which would allow subversive elements easier access to the auspices of our gov’t and our institutions. This should scare the crap out of all true Americans! Really!
Furthermore, A person or an entity is not subversive unless they attempt to subvert something or someone. Our Founders did not intend that freedom of religion be used by people of other religion whether secular or otherwise to subvert our form Republican gov’t, our religion, and our culture. People of alien religions were free to practice their faith as long as they did not impose it on us in an attempt to subvert our own and compromise civic order and rest, and much more. This is only common sense.
Our gov’t is not, and has not favored one denomination over another as was the Founders real intent in freedom of religion, and the majority of Americans support this form of gov’t because of the values and principles they want their children to inherit to guide their behavior and conscience. The Founders never intended to set up a form of gov’t that would allow foreign powers, foreign religions, or secular subverters into the auspices of our gov’t! For anyone to think otherwise must live in a very disturbed world of their own imaginings. It Takes a lot of faith to believe in your secular religion with its self destructive situational ethics or principles. I’m sure your monkey gods have a wonderful plan of salvation for you….
Situational (saturational) ethics are principles developed by the alien secularist/religious progressives to redefine right, wrong, good and evil from one moment to the next. The end justifies the means. If it feels good -do it. It’s ok to kill as long as there are no consequences, after all, there is no God. I am the only true Authority….
I believe, this is why the secularists tend to be gay and baby killers because they can not cope, and lack the mechanisms for coping, with normal relationships under the current system of saturational ethics being promoted by our corrupting secular corporations, our liberal big gov’t, its alien secular/religious subversives within our institutions….
The progressive freedom is alien secular/religious decadence, and perversion based in the progressively radical minorities saturational ethics that allows them to make up rules as they go along and then enforce them on everyone else through subterfuge.
The Founders made it clear that no denomination was to dominate the offices of gov’t, and this is the wall intended by our founders to avoid secular/religious theocracy or tyranny. The Founders also made it clear that within the universal moral codes contained within the Judeo-Christian texts is that which our Republican gov’t and laws are founded on. The wall between Church and State is to prevent secular and other alien religious entities from high-jacking our form of gov’t and our national identity.
Unfortunately, subversive elements have infiltrated our gov’t and are going all out to subvert our country. This is why we are having these conversations over the terrible state of affairs we are all now contending with in our country.
In case no one has noticed the crusades never ended this is why the world is still at war. Only most people here in the US don’t know it yet. A lot people in the US have been mentally and spiritually put to sleep by our secular/liberal machine that is indoctrinating us, robbing us and enslaving us. The sleeping giant is waking up! Subversives beware!
The alien subversive miscreants in our gov’t have become nothing more than petty drug dealers who are giving out free stuff to everyone at our expense to get ya hooked and dependent on them before they rob ya, enslave ya, and kill ya!
America was conquered and founded by many people from different cultures who united together to form one national identity or one national culture with many personal differences as defined by our Founders and their founding documents being composed to make us unique as Americans. However we do not constitute a dictatorship through the very unique foundation of our government and system of law making which transcends all other worldly known systems of gov’t in the opinion of our Founders and in the opinion of the majority of true Americans.
All existing countries were conquered at one time or another, yet it does not mean that anyone of them will give up what has been established without a fight. Only in America where progressive radical fringe elements have infiltrate our governmental institutions, and thereby convince many of our mindless indoctrinated citizens, through subterfuge, to give up their wealth, form of gov’t, religion and national identity.
Different cultures combined in their differences to make up one culture of people, one nation, and one national identity.
We can not all have our own gov’t with our own set of principles with which to govern everyone else. That would be insane! I believe this is what our country is going through…mass insanity! Too many cooks in the being allowed in the kitchen who want to run things their own way! How can any business or gov’t stay in business this way?
The Founders have taken and established the values and principles from Judeo-Christianity as a standard with which to govern and make our laws. What is so hard to understand about that? Why would our Founders sabotage our form of Gov’t or our national identity by leaving it open to subversion by anyone? This is the heart of moral decay in our country….
I find that many of the men and women in this country oppose the very concept, discussion, and practice of secularism, foreign religions, abortion, and homosexuality within our secular corporate-big liberal gov’t, our progressively secular/liberal courts, our alien secular/religious schoolrooms. The American people find such subterfuge to be forced indoctrination, repulsive and evil….
Furthermore, we are talking about good, evil, right and wrong conduct and behavior as defined by a Judeo-Christian moral code established and defined by our Founders (not the one or two contradictory oddballs whom the subversive elements within our gov’t, institutions, and society like to quote from as being superior to the majority) whose intent, and actions allowed them to deeply embed and implement this natural or Godly higher moral code in governing our laws, and our society; not a theocracy, secular or religious….
The silent majority are not the screaming minority who are out attacking people of all faiths in their Churches or in our streets because the majority voted against the acceptance of perversion and subversion in our states and national voting.
I find the tea party to be just the tip of the iceberg in American dissent where people from all walks of life and faith are finally coming out in unity and large numbers to protest against the robbing and the subversion of our country by the progressive, radical, liberal fringe elements within our secular/fascist, corporate/gov’t élite. This monstrosity uses homosexuality, baby killers, and alien secular-religions who propose freedom from our religion and gov’t instead of the freedom to practice, and keep our own form of religion and gov’t as intended by our Founders. Their subterfuge is meant to create a crack in the foundation of our country to further legitimize their socialist/fascist monkey-god religious agenda with the help of their small army of secularly liberal indoctrinated parrots.
A good example of the hit and run tactics of the secular/ liberal parrots exists in their lack of comprehension demonstrated by their feeble attacks against our religion, our country and our Founders, and by their inability or refusal to understand the true meaning and definitions of common English words. True Republican Principles= Republic= Republicanism as was created and intended by the our Founders. Republican principles were derived from the Judeo-Christian texts as the standard our Founders used to judge inappropriate, deviant, and subversive behavior harmful to the good of our people, our civil society, our national identity, and the unity of our nation as was clearly stated by all the Founders often throughout the majority of their orations, practices, and law making….
America’s Framers wisely recognized and heartily endorsed the influence of those teachings on the civil arena – especially on the formation of America’s unique republican (i.e., elective ) form of government:
The Bible. . . . [i]s the most republican book in the world. 13 JOHN ADAMS, SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION, FRAMER OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS, U. S. PRESIDENT.
I have always considered Christianity as the strong ground of republicanism. . . . It is only necessary for republicanism to ally itself to the Christian religion to overturn all the corrupted political . . . institutions in the world. 14 BENJAMIN RUSH, SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION, RATIFIER OF THE U. S. CONSTITUTION.
[T]he genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion. . . . and to this we owe our free constitutions of government. 15 NOAH WEBSTER, REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIER, LEGISLATOR, JUDGE.
They . . . who are decrying the Christian religion . . . are undermining . . . the best security for the duration of free governments. 16 CHARLES CARROLL, SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION, FRAMER OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
[T]o the free and universal reading of the Bible . . . men were much indebted for right views of civil liberty. 17 DANIEL WEBSTER, “DEFENDER OF THE CONSTITUTION.
Scores of other Framers, statesmen, and courts made similarly succinct declarations about how the Judeo-Christian Scriptures not only shaped republicanism 18 but also many other unique aspects of our civil culture.
So, let’s get real, we can not all have our own gov’t with our own faith and set of principles for governing and law making. Secularism is not a neutral religion not with its own faith in its own set of saturational ethics that are antithesis to many others including our own. This was understood by the majority of Americans in this country at one time whether they were new citizens who met downtown or stayed at home. This being until recent times with the advent of the progressive secular/liberal subversives infiltrating our gov’t and our institutions along with other radical adverse alien religious elements. These alien entities are hell-bent on indoctrinating and confusing the American people to over-throw our national identity and our form of Republican gov’t. This being accomplished through their subterfuge created to justify the conducting of a mass domestic foreign invasion of our country, and through unconstitutional trade treaties and policies meant to concentrate our wealth and power into the hands of the few élite monkey gods and their false prophets….
The revisionist garbage the fascist, corporate-liberal big gov’t, corporate liberal media, and our progressively secular teachers want the American people to learn, think, hear and see is rooted in subterfuge; fear tactics and fantasy that should never be allowed to become reality here in the USA. This is demonstrated by their deeply progressive and indoctrinated parroting in their continued efforts to enforce their detrimental progressive agenda upon humanity. Their ilk are truly the ones society has to fear because if such a cause were to prevail upon humanity the enforced decadence and murder imposed on us by the élite monkey gods would have no bounds….
What I have presented to the people is the exact antithesis, grounded in humanitarian principles, of what the progressively radical, secular/liberal, fringe element portent for us all….
I have found that secular liberalism with its bogus saturational ethics only leads all people to their eventual ruin through dependency on our morally and financially bankrupt corporate/gov’t, its social programs, and on their legal or illegal drugs. The corrupting progressive secular/liberal fringe elements within our gov’t and our institutions created the subterfuge bent on our destruction, and use this subterfuge just like many other past dictatorships have to control their people. If our economy gets worse or collapses our streets will be full of mindless morons running wild, and nothing or no one is safe….
Adams gave many sermons himself, and he was a biblical scholar as was Ben Franklin who told Thomas Paine he was spitting in the wind with his secular non-sense….
The rules, and principles that socialist/fascist subversives are trying to get us to parrot and promote among ourselves through their progressive subterfuge is alien secular/religious, Marxist/Fascist non-sense and psychobabble. Exercises in redundant mental masturbation.
If you studied history correctly you will find that it was decadence, immorality, perversion, murder, and subversives from within that destroyed many if not all of the kingdoms and empires of old, and it looks like it will be our undoing as well. This is why our Founders chose the moral codes from the Judeo-Christian texts with which to govern our society and to base our laws upon. The Founders knew that the Judeo-Christian moral code unified our people under a common cause. It also provided a foundation in which gov’t and society can strive together towards moral and spiritual progress for the good of our nation and of humanity without regressing to secular or religious theocratic tyranny, and that would end in self-destruction!
However, modern abortion and infanticide medications are being forced upon the public, and into places of employment regardless of a persons faith whether it is religious or secular in nature. This constitutes a whole different ball game.
Furthermore, the majority of the people in our country do not condone our gov’t enforcement and promotion of the killing of our unborn children while in the womb; thus turning our young girls and women into baby killers. The American people do not condone the teaching of sexual perversion or immorality is a natural or inalienable right, or a mistake that our God made in special cases. Though such subversive and immoral propositions should not exist in the first place our gov’t should at least put it to the vote and let the people decide such matters, though woman are of larger numbers, and the true giver of life might prevail upon us. Majority Rule! Or we the people can charge the subversive miscreants responsible for such treachery with treason as is proper for them who promote national infanticide, sexual immorality, and subversion of our God and country. It’s sad to say. However, our federal law enforcement agencies seem to be on the take, and supporting the enemies of freedom….
What I have presented to the people is the exact antithesis, grounded in humanitarian principles, of what the progressively alien, secular/religious, ilk portent for us all….
I believe a big part of our problem here in the US lies in the fact that a lot of our people really don’t know what ethics or principles are, and their true implications and impact that they have within our gov’t and within our lives. If they did they would not say or do some of the things that they do.
History has shown that where the gov’t leads the people will follow until the gov’t becomes so powerful and oppressive that the people revolt out of desperation or die trying. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is when a gov’t gains absolute control over their people, and their resources like has happened in so many countries around our world. It’s very heartbreaking not to be able to help these people in their gov’t inflicted anguish and bondage. I just hope the American people smarten up before us and our children end up in the same circumstances….
So, whose set of principles/ethics or moral codes do you want to use for governing, law making, business affairs, domestic affairs, foreign affairs, religious affairs, or crime and punishment? Should it be put to the vote and let the cards fall where they may after our progressively, secular/liberal, corporate/gov’t has flooded our communities with legal and illegal aliens?
If your having trouble trying to figure this one out , well, here are some helpful suggestions:
Secular Humanists, Wiccans, Satanists, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoism, Vodon, Little Green Menism, Atheists, Agnostics, etc…. Beam me up Scotty…there’s no intelligent life down here!
Christian denominations do not qualify as alien religions here in the US. They are all a part of the founders and our foundation constituting our national identity, form of gov’t and law making. The moral codes our founders borrowed from the Judeo-Christian texts is the glue that unites all our people as one though we may have come from different cultures.
Furthermore, aliens who enter this country are to assimilate into our culture, way of life, and national identity as productive US citizens. If jerk-offs get into our gov’t and try to dissolve our binding glue then the resulting unleashed social and political insanity will be our end…and that may not be too far off….
Only in America where the progressively radical, secular/liberal, alien religious, fringe elements have infiltrate our gov’t and institutions, and can thereby convince some of our mindless indoctrinated citizens to give up their wealth, liberties, form of gov’t, religion and national identity through subterfuge…..
Here is the real new form of gov’t and change that many of the radically progressive fringe elements are helping to bring down on us here in the USSA…Reality Check:
Fascism is a reaction against socialism, in addition to being corporatist in nature (socialism is anti-corporatist) and protecting the “sanctity” of private property (socialism is about collectivism, not separate, private property.) Part of the confusion has its roots in Adolf Hitler’s ability to use words to sway and control the masses. He used the word “Socialist” to draw people who continued to adhere to socialism, even though the nature of Hitler’s movement was not socialist at all, with its loyalty to industry (budding corporations) and protection of private property from those less fortunate (definitely not redistribution of wealth.)
The so-called redistribution of wealth currently taking place in our country is a lie and an international pondsy scheme to the extent that the money that is actually being redistributed is deficit funds, money being printed up and charged to us and our unborn children which once spent ends up in the off-shore bank accounts of the top 1-2% of our population who are called the corporate/gov’t elite.
Our gov’t only rakes in $2.2-trillion a year in taxes and spends four or five times that amount, and I have heard it said to be much higher than that from different sources like Lou Dobbs and Gov. Tim Pawlenty, etc. Eventually, this bubble will burst, and where will all of them end up who were dependent on the gov’t/tax-payer payroll
Furthermore, It would probably not make a whole lot of difference either way at this point in our country’s history if the legal/illegal aliens were here or not with the current job situation being what it is for everyone. However, as to the social costs of legal/illegal aliens on all levels, as I point out in `Obama’s War & SSI SubCulture’, it would save the present and future tax-payer trillions of dollars if they were sent back. It is said that the cost for supporting illegal’s alone on our social programs here in the US is somewhere in the neighborhood of $2.6-trillion a year, and another $1.5-billion a year to house them in our prisons. Talk about culture shock and subversion. I believe these stats are largely underestimated as is everything of real value to the American people.
Hell, you can go to California and can get yourself an IOU for a taco since 40% of the school kids are Mexican immigrants who have helped to bankrupt the whole state and their social programs. Pretty soon you can get an IOU here in NY for rice and beans since our communities, and state are being bankrupted by a mass influx of Puerto Ricans….
I will not rule nor be ruled. I will neither be master nor slave.” fascism n. [Italian fascismo < fascio, political group < L fascis: see fasces] 1. the doctrines, methods or movement of the Fascisti 2. a system of gov't characterized by rigid 1-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized gov'tal control, belligerent nationalism, racism, & militarism, etc.: first instituted in Italy in 1922 3. a) a political movement based on such policies b) fascist behavior see also Nazi fasces n. pl. [L pl of fascis, a bundle, [bleep]ot, packet < OE base *bhasko-, bundle, whence MIr basc, neck-band] a bundle of rods bound about an ax with projecting blade, carried before ancient Roman magistrates as a symbol of authority: later the symbol of Italian fascism { for an illustration see the latest edition of Freedom Network News from ISIL, _Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do_ by Peter McWilliams, the walls of the US House Chamber, or the reverse side of a pre-1964 dime, lawyer Rex Curry also has some materials and images }
Corporations are business entities or enterprises where it is supposedly owned by many stock holders (Ralf Nader said only 3% of all stock is owned by 80% of our population) and no individual can be held responsible or accountable if it goes bust. This is accomplished by the private assets of the actual individuals who are running the corporation being kept separate or disconnected from the corporate assets; if any still exist on its books when it goes bust. This is how the corporate exec get away with tucking trillions of our dollars away into off-shore bank accounts….
Therefore, with the fascist ruling of our supreme court giving real life individual status to corporations, I find it to be inherently ridiculous and a blatantly subversive mockery of our Democratic Republic, of our founding principles, and of our founding documents protecting us from the corruption of corporate/gov't or any other subversive entities. The next thing you know, these radical, liberal, fascist, progressively secular, monkey-god judges will allow a corporation to run for public office if it was said to be born in our country. Then again, what difference would it actually make, anyway?
This preservation of innocent life was viewed by our Founding Fathers as one of the chief purposes of civil government. As Thomas Jefferson explained, “the care of human life. . .is the fist and only legitimate object of good government.” And the Declaration of Independence similarly declared: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men . . .are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life. . . .[And] that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.”
Consequently, the Founders established numerous laws to protect innocent life – laws prohibiting murder, suicide (which the Founders termed “self-murder”), assisted suicide, abortion, and infanticide. Yet, in protecting life, the Founders understood that respect for innocent life would dwindle if the influence of religion were reduced in the nation. As President George Washington warned: “Where is the security . . . for life if the sense of religious obligation desert?”
Thomas Paine's attack against Christianity and religion with his manifesto `Age of Reason' and the majority of our Founders similar responses:
Paine later published his Age of Reason, which infuriated many of the Founding Fathers. John Adams wrote, “The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity, let the Blackguard [scoundrel, rogue] Paine say what he will.” 2
Samuel Adams wrote Paine a stiff rebuke, telling him, “[W]hen I heard you had turned your mind to a defense of infidelity, I felt myself much astonished and more grieved that you had attempted a measure so injurious to the feelings and so repugnant to the true interest of so great a part of the citizens of the United States.” 3
Earlier courts long understood Jefferson's intent. In fact, when Jefferson's letter was invoked by the Supreme Court (only twice prior to the 1947 Everson case – the Reynolds vs.. United States case in 1878), unlike today's Courts which publish only his eight-word separation phrase, that earlier Court published Jefferson's entire letter and then concluded:
Coming as this does from an acknowledged leader of the advocates of the measure, it [Jefferson's letter] may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the Amendment thus secured. Congress was deprived of all legislative power over mere [religious] opinion, but was left free to reach actions which were in violation of social duties or subversive of good order. (emphasis added) [12]
That Court then succinctly summarized Jefferson's intent for "separation of church and state":
[T]he rightful purposes of civil government are for its officers to interfere when principles break out into overt acts against peace and good order. In th[is] . . . is found the true distinction between what properly belongs to the church and what to the State. [13]
With this even the Baptists had agreed; for while wanting to see the government prohibited from interfering with or limiting religious activities, they also had declared it a legitimate function of government "to punish the man who works ill to his neighbor."
That Court, therefore, and others (for example, Commonwealth vs.. Nesbit and Lindenmuller vs.. The People), identified actions into which – if perpetrated in the name of religion – the government did have legitimate reason to intrude. Those activities included human sacrifice, polygamy, bigamy, concubinage, incest, infanticide, parricide, advocation and promotion of immorality, etc.
Such acts, even if perpetrated in the name of religion, would be stopped by the government since, as the Court had explained, they were "subversive of good order" and were "overt acts against peace." However, the government was never to interfere with traditional religious practices outlined in "the Books of the Law and the Gospel" – whether public prayer, the use of the Scriptures, public acknowledgements of God, etc.
Whereas in 1789, Congress, in the midst of framing the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment, passed the first Federal law touching education, declaring that `Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged';
I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties. I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and Creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association assurances of my high respect and esteem. [9]
Jefferson's reference to "natural rights" invoked an important legal phrase which was part of the rhetoric of that day and which reaffirmed his belief that religious liberties were inalienable rights. While the phrase "natural rights" communicated much to people then, to most citizens today those words mean little.
By definition, "natural rights" included "that which the Books of the Law and the Gospel do contain." [10] That is, "natural rights" incorporated what God Himself had guaranteed to man in the Scriptures.
The secular subversive judges, and like politicians who in their treasonable efforts to pass off their secular religion as a natural existing mechanism for rule of law intended by our Founders, and enforced upon the citizens of our great nation, attending to such matters in the cases submitted violated our founding laws, and their position of office by contending with the subversive un-natural, un-Godly and evil propositions of infanticide-abortion, immorality-sexual perversion, and the immoral subversion of our God and country within our high courts, our gov't auspices, our schoolrooms, and should therefore be charged with high treason and shot!
It is obvious that alien miscreant judges and like politicians within our courts and gov't did violate our foundational laws as were laid down by our Founders outlining the courts civic and social duties to enforce action against them who violate the natural-Godly moral good of the people. Such violations are clearly defined by our Founders and their establishment of law. Like I have previously stated that the progressively secular, subversive, alien monkey-god usurpers have infiltrated our gov't, courts, and institutions. The American people are outraged and justly so, and demand accountability for their attack against our Democratic Republic and our citizens through subversion, subterfuge, perversion, and corruption that has reeked political and social havoc, all manners of vice, robbery, and murder upon our nation and its citizens….
Furthermore, the miscreant, and alien judges and the like politician who have infiltrated our high offices and who are now deliberately inflicting all manner of ill and harm against our citizens by denying the inalienable rights of all men to their children by the subversive, and divisive unmitigated empowerment of our young girls and women to commit infanticide, and by the exclusionary rights of women to the born children through the deliberate subterfuge of our founding principles held within our constitution, constitutes high crime-treason;
Furthermore, for any person(s) found within our gov't auspices to deliberately and knowing make treaties or policies of trade or otherwise while in collusion that did in fact endanger the security and sovereignty of the nation, and further being made in direct conflict to the interests, and well being of the American people, and did in fact inflict injury and harm by said miscreants works of treachery, constitutes high crime-treason;
Therefore, as an American citizen, I do lodge this legal formal complaint against the miscreants guilty of the aforesaid actions against the American people, and I do urge them in our federal law enforcement agencies to act accordingly, and responsibly in the discharge of their duties and obligations to arrest said miscreants for prosecution in defense of the American people and our constitution.
How do you like this? No truer words spoken in our modern times….
[Via http://zeitgeist2012.wordpress.com]
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