I haven’t updated in a couple of days and you guys are about to get a lot of interesting info thrown at you. (Don’t worry, I won’t throw too hard.) There has been many an adventure and a HUGE disaster that almost dissolved me into tears today. So here it goes – the recap of the last couple days…
Thursday (2-11-10)
Was a laid back, one class, ordinary day. It would have been a very ordinary day if me and my bf (mostly my initiative on this one) didn’t decide to change things up a bit and pay a visit to a local Asian market. I don’t know about you guys, but random, weird foods from other places (Asia) intrigue me and cause me to run from isle to isle like an overexcited hamster in his wheel, or a cat in a roomful of catnip. (Catnip is like crack for cats by the way.) So here I am, darting into all the sections of this Asian market, looking at every colorful, strange thing they have to offer and make the bold decision to actually try some of the stuff – hey, it can’t hurt to try, right? So after drooling over pink, green, purple and yellow jelly cube-shaped candy, lychee pudding and mooncakes, I wandered over into the seafood section and scoured the shelves for some new fish things to try. And low and behold, I found these!——>
Cooked fish balls! (balls made of fish - sickos! )
I made two sandwiches with these so far and I’ve quickly become a fan of these things. They’re fishy, light and an excellent substitute for when you run out of faux crab (as I have.) Though they could have given them a tad more flavor. So you really have to cook these in some kind of sauce or add condiments to spice it up a bit. All in all, I rate these an 8/10.
After grabbing this fishy snack, I went upstairs into the canned food/dry food/condiment room. Here I saw many things I wanted to try but seeing as I didn’t have hundreds of dollars to spend on curious looking canned and dry goods, I settled for this little guy I noticed tucked into the corner of one of the shelves—->
Sesame paste! Peanut Butter replacement for me.
I tried this later on at home with some tapioca pudding, berries, granola and banana slices and it was heavenly! The sesame paste on its own isn’t sweet at all – not bad but not something you could eat with a spoon. You’d have to mix this with sweet fruit, sugar or puddings. It does satisfy that PB craving I get once in a while (haven’t worked up to being able to eat actual PB yet though) and this is a good substitute for me. I’ll definitely keep buying this guy from now on. 9/10 for Sesame Paste!
Along with fish balls and sesame paste, I also picked up another tube of wasabi, a box of sesame seeds (which I’m now obsessed with and put on everything) and some honey for my bf. (this is a bee btw lol) It was a successful trip and I can’t wait to keep on trying things from that store! For all you Sunset District peeps – it’s at Noriega over by Safeway. Oh and P.S: It’s SUPER cheap! Like ridiculously cheap.
Thursday ended with some Camdens (7th Heaven – obsessed much? hehe) and some brain-twisting frustration over Chem homework for which we haven’t covered the material yet and was due on Friday (today). I ended up leaving it blank and going to bed. Then morning came…
Friday (today)
TGIF is all I have to say. Well, not all – you’re not getting off that easy! It all started with a breakfast that makes all other breakfasts look
in comparison! Take a look at this baby—–>
Oat Bran hot cereal, 1/2 banana, chocolate fudge pudding cup, teaspoon Sesame Paste and sesame seeds topping it all off! Mmmmmm!
It was truly a party in my stomach and my taste buds were tripping off of this too! I highly recommend! 10/10. My boyfriend saw this pic and thought it was a piece of sesame beef! Haha…I was pretty mad at that one. This plate deserves to be placed on a pedestal.
So after I savored that chocolatey, nutty, banana-ee bit, I rushed off to class. My chem teacher didn’t make us turn in that HW that no one understood how to do (thank God!) and so my grade was spared a lethal blow. Phew! After all my classes, it was Borders and magazine reading time! I gathered up some US Weekly, People and OKs and found (miraculously) an unoccupied chair to sink into and get some reading (looking at the pictures) in before work. Here are a few highlights—–>
Kate Gosselin - from burnt out peacock to 16 going on 50! I'd also call that last hairdo "Wannabe Lindsey Lohan on Oxycontin!)
What I don’t get is how these people butt their way into Hollywood. Or has Hollywood lowered their standards by THAT much and is letting everyone and their 25 babies through? It’s soon going to stop being Hollywood and turn into one giant kindergarten run by a bunch of baby-crazed confused-looking moms with bad hair. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Then I stumbled upon this article that irked me a little—–>
Michelle Obama says: "My daughters were once in danger of being overweight..."
I was slightly angered at this when I saw it. Even slightly more than just slightly angered. Thoughts on this?
And then there was a poodle—–>
Japanese dog show. They would do this...hehe So funny!
This is one poodle you shouldn’t mess with! (Shouldn’t mess with her owner either – you might end up with hair like that too. And then even Kate Gosselin would have the right to laugh at you.) On second thought – this is about equal to Gosselin’s pile of god-knows-what on her head. Though I must add – the poodle is much cuter!
After I leafed through all three mags, I grabbed an Ice Coffee (gotta keep true to the blog name) and flipped through a wildlife book in which I found Bambi’s cousin many times removed—->
Ancient Bambi on the prowl! Check out those fangs!
And then I found this guy who reminds me of a little crooked camel, sheep, cow thing——>
Camel sheep cow!
Then it was time for work – which went well and then the horriblest thing happened that can only happen in this crazy 21st century of ours! Someone stole my iPhone! At Sephora! I was shocked, lost and hyperventilating when I discovered my loyal and trusted friend was gone. I darted from corner to corner in a daze and shuffled through my bag again and again only to find nothing has changed and my phone was still gonneeeeee.
After I accepted the idea that life was out to get me, me and my bf went over to Kiki’s again for some sushi therapy. This time I got the Rainbow Roll (California roll topped with raw salmon, tuna, shrimp, avocado, mackerel and eel. Also two tamago nigiri.)——>
Pardon the blueness of this pic.
Then it was off to our homely abode for some peppamint tea and some movie watching (as soon as I hit submit on this) + ice cream and fruit for desert that’ll bring this bittersweet Friday to a close. I’ll finish this off with a few questions for you guys:
1) What’s your take on the Michelle Obama issue I brought up above? Makes me angry and makes me think of myself in those girls’ place. If my mom said something like that (to the media) I have no clue what I’d do. Actually, I do have a clue and it’s not good.
2) Whats your favorite type of sushi? I love Dragon Rolls and Tamago!! MmmMmm…
3) Any exciting weekend plans? Saturday – working all day (woohoo!) and Sunday – spending the day with my sweetie – yay for Valentine’s Day!
Hope you all had as eventful a day as I did! Until next time.
P.S: Whoever stole my phone has my eternal wrath upon them! And is going dowwwwwn.
[Via http://katyainsf.wordpress.com]
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