Thursday, October 22, 2009

Filtered news 10/22/09

The state of the modern GOP “…just 1 in 5 Americans now self-identify as Republicans, the lowest number since 1983, and a 20 percent drop from an equally dismal 25% back in August, when the ‘tea party express’ first pulled out of the trailer park.”

Well, what did they expect? Just 19 percent of the country trusts congressional Republicans to make good decisions

The iron grip of bigotry

I keep being surprised at Sen. Vitter’s apparently ingrained unwillingness to say that he thinks people of different races should be able to marry. I mean, that’s so mid-20th century. Even in the South. We’re on to denying marriage rights to gays. Honestly, I’m confounded. What’s his resistance? I’m not even talking about whatever Vitter may or may not think personally. What’s his resistance politically?

Unemployed Family Man Joins the Army to Cover His Wife’s Ovarian Cancer

Truman for health care — 1952

Who’s who in Tea Party movement land

Whining liars whining lies Neocon media at play

Security Guard Accused Of Terrorist Threats Against President Obama in New Jersey

Prosperity for the peasants comes from giving the Corptocrats even more money Goldman Sachs Analyst: Income ‘Inequality’ Will Lead To ‘Prosperity And Opportunity For All.’  This was, amazingly enough, said with a straight face and nary a blush.  Would this be because the wealthy few have taken such good care of us thus far?  Oh wait…..

Nope, no racism involved at all.  Hate directed at ACORN:

Hi, I was just calling to let you all know that Barack Obama needs to get hung. He’s a f*****g n****r, and he’s a piece of s**t. You guys are fraudulent, and you need to go to hell. All the n*****s on oak trees. They’re gonna get all hung honeys, they’re gonna get assassinated, they’re gonna get killed.

Note, again, how the Right gets around to violence (ever more quickly it seems)

Like this Corptocrat NY Businessman Gets 20 Years For Ponzi Scheme

Or these Corptocrats Brokers indicted for $22 million fraud of oil company

Or these Corptocrats?

PIMCO dumps $80 billion of fed-sponsored agencies on taxpayer’s lap; makes over $1 billion

At least 10 more insider trading arrests coming

Moody’s leak disclosed, other potential compromised data identified

California sues State Street over pension-fund trades

Paulson’s secret waiver to work on Goldman matters

Attorney calls FINRA execs “liars”, says only interested in appearance of enforcement

Bernanke guilty of coercion and market manipulation, says Mish

Arrested IBM exec Moffat was also responsible for outsourcing jobs to wherever was the cheapest, no matter who got fired or hurt. What a guy…

GOP fights for bankers’ right to gauge you on fees Of course.

Can we please toss out this dimbulb Democrat-come-lately?

I just got off a conference call with Arlen Specter where I asked him why the Democrats don’t talk about the wave of entrepreneurship that would be unleashed if people knew they could leave their jobs, start a business and still get affordable health coverage for themselves and their families.

He was surprised, said it hadn’t occurred to him and wants me to give him names of people who would start their own businesses if they knew they could get affordable insurance.

Where will the jobs come from?

Let’s taser the kids!

Lying for a perversion of Jesus Pat Robertson that gays don’t want to get married, they just want destroy marriage and the nation’s moral values.

Chicken Little alert Health Care Reform Will Lead To Forced Abortions

Supreme smackdown of supreme wingnut Alan Grayson (D-FL) interrogates Paul Broun (R-GA) on Constitution

GOP proposes to cut solar technology funding and the clean energy jobs it would bring No doubt because we have all the jobs and clean renewable energy we could ever need.  Oh, wait…..

The crusade to deny global warming

Does disgust with Corptocracy give the Left and the Teabaggers common ground?

129 days and counting

“I guarantee you we will provide you with a bill that costs less and provides better care for the American people.” — GOP Roy Blunt

Roy?  Where’s the bill?

These latest appointments of industry insiders

to two of the most influential offices that will shape U.S. food and agricultural policy at home and abroad call into question just how committed the Obama administration is to promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing hunger in the developing world.

Beware Of Neocons Bearing Best Case Scenarios For War

One of the most interesting things about Christopher Hitchens’ latest argument for war — other than its extraordinarily bad timing, considering the positive news coming out of Vienna — is that he really seems to be under the impression that the Iraq war has gone well, and that he didn’t come out of it looking like kind of a fool.

But then, Hitchens has made a long career of being a fool.

This “country” that white Americans are allegedly losing is not, in fact, a country. It is merely a self-serving and solipsistic illusion of a country that some white Americans feel they are losing.  The truth is:

Black Americans have shed blood in every American war since the Revolution. This country, even the very Capitol building in which today’s legislators now demand to see the birth certificate of the first black president, was built on the sweat and sinew of slaves. Before we were people in the eyes of the law, before we had the right to vote, before we had a black president, we were here, helping make this country as it is today. We are as American as it gets. And frankly, the time of people who think otherwise is passing. If that’s the country Buchanan wants to hold onto, well, he’s right, he is losing it.

PROOF: OBAMA IS A MUSLIM! Or make that Hindu. Same difference, right?

So, what’s really going on here with the dollar obsession?

I suspect that with the Dow Jones going back over 10,000, Republicans are looking for some other Very Simple Metric that shows Obama Stinks. The dollar looks like it’s going to be declining for a while, so why not that? Never mind that the dollar was even weaker during the George W. Bush era

Contrary to the Right’s bellyaching, the Poles and Czechs prefer Obama’s approach to Bush’s on missile defense

Corptocrats and corruption (is that redundant?) Hank Paulson’s inappropriate hanky-panky with Goldman Sachs

Nuclear Test Ban Would Enhance US Security

“Gas tax” Innovative new forms of dishonesty in conservative climate bill opposition.

America’s dumbest wingnut sheriff loses costly abortion battle

The specific issue is whether the sheriff can demand that inmates who seek abortion care prepay $300 a day in transportation and security costs. If an inmate can’t come up with the money, she will be forced to carry the pregnancy to term. Of course, Sheriff Arpaio doesn’t require inmates seeking other medical care to prepay for transport and security costs. We argued it is unconstitutional to make access to the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy conditional on the ability to pay hundreds of dollars. Fortunately, the judge agreed.

Ruling immediately after the arguments, the court held that the defendants are prohibited from demanding prepayment for transport and security costs….

But the most telling part of yesterday’s argument came when the judge asked us to do some math. He asked both parties how many hours since June each of us worked on the case – we agreed it was at least 40 hours each. He then assumed an hourly rate of $250 an hour and asked us to calculate the total. The answer? A lot of taxpayer money is being spent on a policy that may cost the Sheriff a few hundred dollars a year given how few women request abortion access.

Then the judge asked the question that sums it all up – he asked the sheriff’s attorney to explain “the real reason” behind the policy. Clearly, it can’t be that the sheriff is really worried about $300 a year.

The sheriff’s attorney didn’t really respond. I suppose it was a bit of a rhetorical question. Sheriff Arpaio has repeatedly acted on his animosity to abortion by denying inmates their constitutional rights. All told, he will spend thousands of taxpayer dollars fighting over $300 a year simply because he wants to impose his moral beliefs on others.

Crazy Shelly thinks Steve King should be preznit

Bachmann, who shares King’s belief that President Obama is essentially “anti-American,” makes no mention of what platform she thinks King should run on. Perhaps, it would be his claim that same-sex marriage is “a purely socialist concept.” Or his proud stand against sending aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina. Or his belief that undocumented immigration is a “slow-moving terrorist attack.”

She is, after all, crazy.

What liberal academia?

…the typical campus mix of political correctness and corporatist discipline isn’t very “liberal,” as most Americans use the term. Baiters of “tenured radicals” … can’t as easily claim now as David Brooks did in 2002 that America “houses its radical lunatics … in [academic] departments that operate as nunneries for the perpetually alienated.” Not only do market forces rule; lavishly funded nunneries for failed, aging neo-cons are sprouting or entrenching themselves at Yale, Duke, George Mason, Claremont- McKenna-Pomona, Chicago, and elsewhere.

At some of these places, conservative activists and national-security functionaries teach undergraduates to read Thucydides as a prophet of the war on terror and to pursue national-security state networking through habits of discretion and public dissimulation that hobble the humanist truth-seeking conservatives claim to defend….

A liberal arts college’s mission, after all, (as distinct from that of a research university in which it may be housed) isn’t to produce many scholars, much less the dray horses of the financial and legal establishments that many leafy campuses actually do produce in large herds; it’s to turn 18-year-olds into citizens who are intellectually and morally strong enough to carry on public life through deliberation and choice, not force and fraud.

Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and a willful CDC failure

I clearly remember the controversy of the 1980’s and 90’s. One of the major concerns at the time was that sufferers would be eligible for social security disability and insurance benefits … a bunch of malingerers swelling the ranks of the disabled. And now, it seems, for the financial benefit of insurance companies and the social security benefit administration, a public health agency vigorously suppressed the results of legitimate scientific research, showing this is a infectious disease — transmitted in bodily fluids, just like HIV — with serious public health consequences.

“Liberal” (cough, cough) NPR’s lame Obama-Nixon comaprison

Has the Obama White House ordered the Justice Department to spy on Fox News employees? Has the administration ordered the IRS to start digging through Fox News’ books, hunting for irregularities and auditing on-air personalities? Has the president directed thugs to break into Glenn Beck’s psychiatrist’s office?

Of course not, that would be insane. And so is this comparison.

Nixon used the power of the presidency to harass, intimidate, and investigate those who questioned him. It was as scandalous an abuse as the nation has ever seen — the White House used the levers of government to attack independent news outlets.

And what as the Obama team done? They’ve dared to point out a simple reality: an obviously-partisan propaganda outlet in not a legitimate news organization. That’s it. That’s the totality of the White House’s efforts — criticizing a network that operates as an arm of a political party. There’s no boycott, no punishment, no vendetta. All we have here are some White House aides who’ve criticized a network….

As manufactured outrages go, this is truly ridiculous, even for a shallow Washington media establishment.

For years, Republicans have been on the attack — against the media in general, and a handful of outlets in specific. GOP leaders and officials have boycotted news outlets they don’t like; they’ve attacked networks they believed to biased; and they’ve routinely snubbed those whose coverage they disapproved of. The last White House went after NBC News, even from the briefing room’s podium. Republican disgust for the media has been a staple of American politics for what seems like forever. Ken Rudin, Ruth Marcus, and others never once compared this to Nixon-era abuses.

Fat Cat Entitlement (and the truth comes out) Pickens: U.S. Firms ‘Entitled’ To Iraqi Oil.  Let’s see, we made up lies about them so we could invade and occupy them — and this entitles those oil firms how?  The oil baron says it’s because America has spent so many lives and so many tax dollars in Iraq.  OK.  That’s what America did.  How does that mean the oil companies are entitled to squat?

There are at least 9 hearts of cold stone in the House AIDS funding bill passes the House on a 408 to 9 vote.  How ugly  must one’s soul be to vote against this?

Finally “Responding to the growing furor over the paychecks of executives at companies that received billions of dollars in federal bailouts, the Obama administration will order the companies that received the most aid to deeply slash the compensation to their highest paid executives, an official involved in the decision said on Wednesday.”

You go, boy! Franken Schools Right-Wing Analyst On Medical Bankruptcies In Countries With Universal Care: ‘It’s Zero’

Another terrorist thwarted by police work instead of the invasion and occupation of an uninvolved nation. And Obama has kept us safe from terrorist attack 41 days longer than Bush did.

Neocon media at play How Fox differs from ABC  (and I don’t think ABC is much for journalism, either)

Fox, what a classy organization Liberal Analyst Found Out Through ‘Google Alert’ That Fox News Fired Him

Crazy Shelly  says Republicans Dole and Frist represent a ‘pon-pro-freedom agenda’ because they want health reform Because, well, ya know, um….  she’s, well… crazy.

Beck’s idea of ‘freedom’: Letting corporations control what you read on the Internet

Swine Flu Victim Dies After Being Kicked Out Of ER. In Texas, of course

The difference between Fox “news” and Fox “opinion” – see whether you can find it.  I can’t.

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