Veri-Chip is a real company and they spoke with Beck.
Glenn Beck said he will discuss Veri-Chip and Swine Flu on tonight’s show. Putting chips in people with the H1N1 Flu shot- he said is NOT true, but that Veri Chip has a Gov’t contract because they have a “Swab Test” to determine if you have H1N1. Veri Chip also has a chip which they told Beck has “no tracking device” but contains a 16 digit number which can be scanned and then it shows that you’ve had the flu, been vaccinated, etc and it can be injected into you !
Beck stressed that this is NOT Happening NOW and his investigation shows there is no proof that any chips are being injected at this point – but he stresses that the technology DOES exist and that in an event of a national emergency – could it happen?
You will have to watch the show this evening to get the information for yourself – he just did a teaser on the radio !
Will the Health Care Bill mandate all of us being chipped? From Veri-Chips website:
VeriMed Health Link
Health Link is the connection between you and your personal health record. Health Link utilizes a tiny, passive microchip (the first and only microchip cleared for patient identification by the FDA) and a secure online database that links you to your personal health record.
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