Thursday, January 7, 2010

Indict Obama, Pelosi and Reid ... By: Bob Beers

 Posted here with permission:

By Bob Beers Wednesday, January 6, 2010 (Canada Free Press)

70% of the American budget is based on consumer spending. The other 30% is based on production. Obama would love to wipe out that last 30% if there was any way to accomplish it without bankrupting Washington (he would lose all his presidential goodies). Currently each and every American, whether or not they are a taxpayer owes a debt of $340,000.

That is Obama’s legacy. If any private citizen did what he, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid has done, they would have been jailed. A name comes to mind, Bernie Madoff.

One problem with Obama’s plan (unless he actually is working on eliminating our economy) is that his so-called “stimulus” did nothing to create a single sustainable job or cause one percentage point in our downward spiral to reverse. The other problem is that it was all one colossal bare-faced lie. Remember his campaign promises that the debate would be seen on CSPAN? If you missed that you were hiding in a hole somewhere, because he repeated it at nearly every whistle stop. Harry Reid and Pelosi repeated those promises and then closed the doors when the debate began.

When asked about why the debate on the healthcare bill wasn’t done out in the open as promised, Pelosi actually laughed at the question. You can watch archival footage of her doing so. She actually says, while laughing, “Many things are said on the campaign trail”. Translation, “We lied to you, you poor sap, and you bought the whole package, you simpleton. And…we trust you will be just as stupid next time, ha ha ha!

There is a hidden disaster waiting to fall on the United States if we buy into this green economy fraud

Now we are being lied to again by more of Obama, Pelosi and Reid lapdogs. Lindsay Graham is trying to sell the so-called “green economy” as America’s only financial salvation. Does he seriously think that we can build solar panels any where as cheaply as China? We have to deal with unions, licenses and other paperwork, lawyers and tariffs on raw materials before the first step towards building even begins. All China has to do is order some children to begin working or their parents will suffer. If a lawyer tries to get in the way that lawyer disappears. There is something to say about one facet of the Chinese system…

There is a hidden disaster waiting to fall on the United States if we buy into this green economy fraud, Obama’s Cap and Trade legislation. CAT will create an environment where it will be illegal for any American business to compete effectively within the world economy. If you don’t believe me, read the bill. Many of you didn’t believe me on HR3200 and now I am being proved prophetic by weekly horror stories of what that legislation is going to down when it is signed into law. It turns out that the so-called death panels weren’t such fables after all. Do you really want to have to live in a government run camp with your life becoming something like a bad sci-fi horror movie? If you do, keep supporting Obama, Pelosi and Reid because that is the life they wish for you.

No, what we need to do is begin thwarting Obama’s agenda at the local level while legal action is taken to tie this three-headed Washington monster up in court. They can’t harm us if they can’t act. Several prominent Democrats are “stepping aside” because they see the coming storm. Unfortunately far too many haven’t that sort of wisdom and they will have to be driven out. The Democrat Party is counting on typical American voter stupidity. Boy, are they going to be surprised.

We need to begin allowing innovative businesses to be built, even if the Green Party has a fit. We have to begin producing products that are American in nature and we need to begin allowing products to come to market, even if Washington doesn’t like it, and we need to begin building an infrastructure for those new products even if threatened with government stricture. One product is the Mini Cooper Hybrid. Not allowed to be sold in the US, this zippy little car gets 85 miles to the gallon without losing any of its pep. Another product is the General Motors Hydrogen vehicle. It was ready to go over 5 years ago; I’ve seen its prototype driven and it is smooth and fast and safe. So, where is it? Where is the hydrogen fuel infrastructure? I say, give Washington the finger and start building both…without asking permission. If enough people act, the government will be forced to go along.

Another area is investment. Let’s follow China’s example and begin investing in other countries where they don’t compete with what we do. Rather than fighting a war in Afghanistan, help the farmers grow their poppies. The farmers themselves will butcher the Taliban for us if we did so. Opium poppies have an immense medical benefit, especially in surgery and chronic pain. It would take us one tenth of what we are spending now in military campaigns and have a greater effectiveness. The same could be done in Central America where cocaine is concerned. Pay the farmers more than what the drug lords pay and use the product for medicine where it is supposed to be and we will save billions.

Investment: Saline Extraction Plants, Commuter Maglev Trains, Tort Reform

Ignore the greenies and build saline extraction plants at appropriate points along our coast. The salt and minerals can be sold just as easily as the fresh water. Ignore the transit Union and begin constructing commuter trains for every city that doesn’t have one, changing out the outdated technology for the proven maglev systems. There’s a few hundred thousand jobs right there. And while we’re at it, ignore the screams from the trial lawyers association and the ACLU and reform tort law so that someone who acts stupidly is held responsible for their own stupidity. The next thing to do is make English the national language. If a company wants to print directions in another language, they are free to do so, but not the government. If somebody wants to become a citizen, they can learn the words…and we can save the dollars.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid have lied to us, they have stolen from us and they have violated not only Federal and Sate law, but they have violated the US Constitution as well. It is time to hold them criminally responsible.

Explaination on the drug policies:

As for the drug suggestions, you have to look at them along with everything else. The terrorists are in a great way funded by illegal drug sales. The policy I suggest would cut those off at the knees. Also, removing anyone who does drugs from state responsibility would be including them in the policy of being stupidly irresponsible and hence excluded from receiving welfare of any kind. That policy would save the US billions each year and allow the police to put more manpower onto cases where bad people are harming good people.

Bob Beers Most recent columns

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration.

Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.

Bob can be reached at:

 Indict Obama, Pelosi and Reid.


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