Saturday, August 29, 2009

Word War

U.S. Government is violating Privacy Act of 1974*…is this the beginning of the end of our Twittering days? Shall we be sorely afraid…? #CNN #FOX watchers ~ how long will you stand silent as Germany in Hitler days? German people were normal like us…but just went along with it…to their great shame and regret…let us learn from their mistakes…before losing our priviledged rights to speech and privacy.

Word War… “misinformation” (different opinions should never be construed as misinformation) “cyber spys” “we’re asking for your help” (since when does the government respect our intelligence?) They think they are Elitist..more Educated, more Weathy, more HobNobbing with Powerful people. My God is Greater than all of that…He has something to do with me…so I must be just as ‘relevant’ as they are!

Speech police meaning the ‘lovers of Obama’ inflicting pain on their own countrymen thru infringing their Own privacy laws…they are willing to sacrifice in turn to stoke their egobama mindset…the price will be high…spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and worse our private properties will end up being bankrupt…we will ultimately become slaves to countries that we owe money to…and the U.S. Government has no interest in turning the tide from this direction…God Save Us!

The worse of all this…for me personally, is I finally have found my voice on Twitter, on other social media networks…that for this to transpire only disrupts my joy in communicating to ya’ll…how can one go forward…in fear of ‘unknown repercussions’.

Isn’t it strange that Twitter & FaceBook had problems the same day? [August 11, 2009] At first I thought nothing of it…until yesterday (O yes, Mr. Government this ‘wee me’ can think…) that could it be..(an awful thought) that the Government had A LOT of people launch this DDOS attack…the timing of it is so odd, coincidental that one who is a responsible citizen ought to tuck it back in their mind for future reference…“don’t suspect evil until proven otherwise”….



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